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[综合辅导] 2011年商务口语辅导:练习(1)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
pay and benefits( K. w# w' E) O5 a4 w6 j8 j$ a
Base salary 基本工资2 B0 q( I/ ?! l
Celebration 庆祝活动,庆典
% Z; b( c  C* ]) E/ b0 ?, DCompensation (美)工资,报酬
& H2 A' f1 v$ W# _Confidential 保密的,机密的
9 w/ |2 p+ x( s; p6 A* ?Departure 离开,启程,出发3 |6 Z. h! U; W: }- X& Q+ t
Discount (价格等的)折扣
4 p6 o* z2 i* Z( i' V7 @Fitness center 健身中心
8 H$ o1 H1 V8 J; V0 RFleeting 短暂的,飞逝的
1 F1 ^  |2 r& y) Q4 ?! \; D& kFringe benefit 附加福利;附带的好处
9 F4 F" Q5 R1 Y' y- D) yImpinge upon 影响,起作用4 A, A% O+ Y- E, |8 c
Inhibit 抑制,约束
0 t3 x9 x2 G. B0 ~# `) r. k7 {Payroll budget 工资预算) B- s# p  |. P) t
Pay inequality 不公平薪酬  p3 C# y. H: i. N; l
Payoff (一系列事件、行动等的)结果;报偿0 g  G2 M: g9 l( v2 }! E$ I+ \
' r" ?7 z+ B* uApplicant pool 求职群体4 V1 q. P. u: \# `0 z5 m7 T/ ~% _
Stick 长久保留4 V6 B9 M8 l( D5 y
Sticky reward 粘性(具有持久影响的)奖励,粘性奖品
+ Y& n: N0 c$ s. L9 @$ c4 KThereby 因此,由此,从而' y; t2 c' z1 }( n  m
Translate 转化,转变
- h+ @& N+ `0 @7 {9 N5 ZEmployee Benefits# U) C$ H5 B. H8 D3 ?, F3 [
员工福利; U; E  j' x$ l6 T7 D: U! I
Cater McMamara, MBA, PhD
) ]6 _) Z% B9 G卡特  ^  l/ a. G: ^. r1 h: ]
' W% {  P# n' w- ^& }/ `Employee benefits typically refers to retirement plans, health life insurance, life insurance, disability insurance, vacation, employee stock ownership plans, etc.0 f- z; Y% |. M$ _) l
员工福利通常指退休方案、健康保险、人寿保险、伤残保险、休假、员工持股计划等。8 {- \' `7 [7 R9 `, ]( O; j
Benefits are increasingly expensive for businesses to provide to employees, so the range and options of benefits are changing rapidly to include, for example, flexible benefit plans.
, d1 x. O7 [+ {. u) E对员工而言,为员工提供福利正日益昂贵,因此福利的范畴和选择日新月异,如灵活的福利方案等。5 Z* f0 z6 m9 h$ }# D2 K2 f
Benefits are forms of value, other than payment, that are provided to the employee in return for their contribution to the organization, that is, for doing their job.
/ D- J4 ]- q3 F+ Z! ~7 J福利不是工资,而是各种形式的回报,是公司对员工的贡献所做工作的回报。
+ P" W5 c1 T( YSome benefits, such as unemployment and worker’s compensation, are federally required.(Worker’s compensation is really a worker’s right, rather than a benefit.)
  S9 M5 h1 C0 ?3 N: {! D2 n' I% n有些福利,如失业和劳动补助是联邦政府规定的(劳动报酬事实上是劳动者的权利,而不是福利)。
; D+ v6 e% T7 ^1 R2 v  z/ P0 |Prominent examples of benefits are insurance (medical, life, dental, disability, unemployment and worker’s compensation), vacation pay, holiday pay, and maternity leave, contribution to retirement(pension pay). Profit sharing, stock options, and bonuses. (Some people would consider profit sharing, stock options and bonuses as forms of compensation.)% j1 m% N+ s. a: ~# W
主要的福利有保险(医疗保险、人寿保险、牙科保险、伤残保险、失业保险和劳动补助)、休假薪酬、节日薪酬、产假、退休保障(养老金支付)、利润分享、股票期权和奖金(有些人认为利润分享、股票期权和奖金属于薪酬范围)。  `' J5 @) E1 B2 t
You might think of benefits as being tangible or intangible.9 K% ]" V: l  f! Q; G
' b  c9 H5 n- ^! p% G# QThe benefits listed previously are tangible benefits.
% d) F0 M  H3 N3 D5 g上文列举的福利属于有形福利。
( t1 s$ _6 }; P# SIntangible benefits are less direct, for example, appreciation from a boss, likelihood for promotion, nice office, etc.
3 L' O( Q5 s1 F$ E* i4 M无形福利不如有形福利直接,如老板的欣赏、今生的可能性、舒适的办公环境等。

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