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[综合辅导] 2011年商务口语辅导:练习(5)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Be Enthusiastic8 x+ q0 A4 \, w3 B# Y) K
. j+ P! F9 h' d0 z" MGo out of your way to find ways to enjoy your job.  w, U% f" ]) m8 F8 O
) k! |4 b* ^) c7 qTell others what you like about it, particularly those you work with.
  @) O- g4 O/ h  O告诉其他人,尤其是你周围的同事,你为什么喜欢你的工作。  K# C, g/ ~" R# G1 U. e
Emphasize those parts of your job that you like to do and do well.: L3 w5 U9 i+ h9 }
+ s& |$ Y3 ^1 XShare this enthusiasm even in conversations with your friends.8 ]; v2 e. v( p. b. c9 f' z) ^/ O" L
即使和朋友聊天也让他们分享你的热情。% T  e7 t# ^5 W- p
Go out of your way to tell your supervisor what you like about your job.
  E6 G9 f' i+ Q, Y想方设法让你的上司知道你喜欢你的工作。' A' S. ?7 y& ^" L' y
This will help you focus on the parts of your job you do best and want to develop.
6 G- k+ Q% I: h! P0 f0 X& s这将有助于你专注于自己所擅长的工作。有助于你集中精力于希望有所发展的工作。1 Z5 h- {7 Q; k6 r7 X+ Q: ~
It also will help others notice that you do those things well.
" h) \% P: l# l这还有助于其他人注意到你出色的工作。5 a% R1 K3 o- O1 c: R
Be willing to take on more responsibility.
7 m5 P9 H) \" O9 w, l3 w乐于承担更多的责任。4 g3 O, e9 Q) {- @5 {- |0 r
Let the boss know you want to move up.5 `0 z- R7 t4 |) [4 v8 A) u4 ?
) r/ R+ X, W) L  [As soon as you begin a new job, look for ways to learn new things.
4 I2 J& G% b4 t' z  T每每从事一项新的工作,你都要千方百计学点新知识。
. C7 Q/ p3 E0 o% ^* C8 R: LVolunteer to help out in ways you feel will make you more valuable to the organization.
& p4 b- a0 R6 \- V) a. o自告奋勇做些你觉得能对公司做出更大贡献的工作。% e# S. _4 k$ Y+ W# |
And ask for advice about what you can do to be more valuable to the organization.
2 G& K0 a$ g2 V& M; L; Z+ j/ o: g. b并多方讨教如何才能对公司更有价值。. n7 e" p4 l7 B: p
In your first week on the job, ask your supervisor to see you for about thirty minutes of private time.
9 A0 S( _+ K+ h2 n! J' ?* q9 I* \' |上班的第一周,提出与你的主管私下免谈30分钟左右。
& m& a; z/ j; h  @When you have his or her attention, say that you want to be more valuable to the organization.
# X) D' B" c7 O& }, `当你的主管召见你时,告诉她/他你希望能对公司更有价值。: V9 s# S. J, H6 N5 G+ i4 f
Ask what you can do to get a raise within a reasonable amount of time.
# e5 I: o  V& u3 {$ M征求其意见如何才能在合理的时间内获得提升。! t9 C8 H+ _9 F) p8 a1 i
Request special assignments to help develop your skills.: Q; I2 O, R' w6 O" K! T
申请特别的任务以发展你的能力。0 [) ]9 L9 m4 B, W- O4 i$ k
Before you leave, ask for a specific future date to go over your progress.( O, m7 Q* c& ]% X$ w/ s6 R! r7 u& H
谈话结束前,请求给予一个具体日期来评估你的工作进展。6 ^3 n+ T- j# D8 b/ w9 m0 n
Make sure you know what you have to do to get the raise.1 P& Y" B  v) X+ `$ t% H
确信自己得做些什么才能获得晋升。3 ~* `* a( F  ^5 u% S
Ask the boss to give you feedback on your progress from time to time.+ f1 [/ N$ z1 \1 m/ r5 _
要求上司对你的工作进展给予阶段性的反馈。) R9 p( i, R4 h1 M' Z. D" o
Ask for training
% M3 d: y* m# f0 ^申请培训, e  L; v: Y2 v
Get as much training as possible!* Y1 J. R& l, V% s& C- g: ^+ q
$ _+ M, @' ?; j9 w. ]# H9 u$ RTake any training that is available from your employer.. z# I5 C  f4 f- ]0 _
7 ]! _3 o$ |* j* F4 ]# tEven if it is not in your area of responsibility, it may help you gain new skills in other areas.
* s3 V- }" @  g3 k( F即使培训内容不在你的职责范围之内,这种培训也有助于你获得其他领域的技能。5 x' \/ c' l7 Y' t3 h. j( r6 ?
Define what training you need to do your job better.
6 H  G7 T; Z, y' O6 g. B! U& |明确你需要哪些培训才能出色的完成工作。4 X! l1 G9 f0 f1 \" i: H4 i
If it is not available through your employer, explain to your supervisor how the training will help the organization.5 ^# A2 R& `5 @
如果公司没有提供相关的培训机会,向你的上司说明培训对公司的意义。5 e4 `9 _# ~9 t$ c% r; x
Ask for help in finding the best training source.7 h! c( u- F" r0 K) k1 J& a
& K: [4 p* R# U0 yDecide what you need to learn to get ahead or to get the job you want.! h7 Q. o( a4 V0 S3 y( V, H
6 v, C+ w) ~: Q. D. N; B3 c/ {Take evening classes.
$ U7 M/ m( y$ J: o' J& ]: E利用晚上时间上夜校。

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