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[综合辅导] 2011年商务口语辅导:练习(4)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Promotion 晋升3 g" Q" O: X# o8 N7 M
Confine 限制,使局限于(to)
8 X. L6 G8 p- x. e( UCredibility 可靠性,可信性
6 m2 A6 X7 ?) N/ x/ v4 bEmployee cloning 员工克隆现象8 S" y* g1 `$ ^# {
Entail 需要5 l% D% i. m1 i1 {% V3 E; P" U
Eradicate 根除,杜绝: ^) p* L" x4 `/ J
Green hand 新手( s" ]5 T0 ?0 T1 x  b3 P4 G, }+ ?( H
Inbreed (由于社会和文化联系狭隘而)变得纯而又纯;变得枯竭3 ]# f9 K* V( B8 M$ y' Q2 O
Know the ropes(口)在行,懂行
# h- Z. z6 u/ uLocate 找到,探明' u% e) B3 P2 m! g7 T/ R4 i
Marshal 元帅
7 e8 L( A+ h4 ]* LMerits 功绩,功劳! P1 S: _# Z- M# m! _+ _
Promotion-from-within 内部晋升
0 O: w+ U+ U$ s9 UStanding 地位,身份,名声
. {' R( Y$ }0 {9 XSeniority 资深,资历
1 K2 ?, V" J' t( l% F! r- @! I  s: NSidestep 回避,规避(问题,人等)" ^, ^' Y+ Z8 f! `
Standing 名声
. }* }. p  \# U" fSubstantiate 证实;实现,展示7 N* d9 v( P9 O/ d; V# r
Undermine 逐渐削弱% `5 }* C$ s& C& g+ P
The Extras Can Get You Promoted3 [0 W( y/ ?- C( ~/ S
晋升宝典5 y+ _- _# \* V% K! ^. |
Dress and look the part( H, D4 C& p$ B/ t; T3 K( e0 }1 e
: X. g" G# T/ Z- xIf you want to get ahead in an organization, dress as if you work at the level you hope to reach next.
8 P8 d- x! b1 W( S如果你想在公司中获得晋升,那么你希望达到哪个层次,你的着装就得符合那个层次的特点。
* ^- D' B, S) |9 `  A; ^5 CThis is not always possible, but at the very least be clean and presentable. Wear clothes that fit well and look good on you.
* U& r- X+ M" s. Z' x, @这不是总能做到,但至少你得穿着整洁、体面,得穿得合身、得体。( D9 ?. {- \3 |
Copy the clothing styles of others in the organization who are successful.
% r; q1 u; I& G7 j  i. n9 t' Z2 R不妨模仿公司中成功人士的穿着风格。& s; ^, `% d$ Y4 R
Even when you co-workers see you away from work, present the image you want for yourself at work.
% h7 x! f5 J2 ^# `  b即使在下班时间与你的同事见面,也得展示你在工作中希望展示的形象。
, y9 v+ s9 c/ I$ f% R: o$ b0 \Another good tip is to work early each day. Use this time to list what you plan to get done that day.2 r; m! U3 H- a5 x0 @; Z
2 O# o% t7 i/ E7 j& Z" bAt the end of the day, leave at least a few minutes after quitting time.
- I' Y0 a" c1 }+ l一天的工作结束了,下班后在公司多呆几分钟。
; H  m$ M' S. _4 z' f0 F7 R7 oLet the boss know that you are willing to stay late to meet an important deadline.
2 D  X5 B" U( R" M: e, g一定要让老板知道你愿意加班以便能在最后期限内完成一项重要的工作。
- A0 s/ l" B3 p( H( T. VIf you do stay late, let the boss know!) q4 @$ Q( S7 f# Y4 l
如果你很晚才离开公司,让你的老板有所知情!- a  F, X5 e) `& b) i# h
Some employers may not want you to work beyond your regular hours.
) n$ g- }9 W- ?$ }有些雇主可能不希望你加班。
9 Q( l+ K4 u! e) f* E7 T+ wThey hear problems with governmental agencies that may force them to pay overtime wages.
0 c0 F% q) ?7 W9 v/ t( a5 m他们担心政府机构会找他们麻烦,强制他们支付加班费。; d  d# R- b! h
If this is so, do what your employer wants you to do, but make it clear that you are willing to help in any way needed.
4 b, j' r1 `2 H) v2 e2 V如果是这样的话,你还是得按老板的意愿行事,不过要让你老板知道在任何时候需要你时,你都乐意随叫随到。

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