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[综合辅导] 2011年商务口语辅导:练习(3)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
PART THREE: Discussion4 }% o  S& W# M: x; q* Z
Company Gifts to Employees
3 e4 {+ M/ A$ q! X9 ?5 V8 pYour company will soon be celebrating the 25th anniversary and has decided to spend a sum of money on something that will benefit the staff. You have been asked to make recommendations about how to use the money. Discuss the situation together, and decide:
% G. M/ F& M: U# ^' ?l
0 _5 t7 H& D' M5 C* Q: S" Jwhat are the advantages and disadvantages of cash gift
( P& I5 M) A- G9 L* G( Ul( k0 x' r$ s) N1 o
what other ways the money could be used to celebrate the event, while still benefiting the staff
$ h8 R7 r6 A0 m- e  Z# z给员工发放礼品
3 A4 E& r6 M  D" N0 u, V) j4 {! v& C7 A你们所在公司将举办25周年庆典,并决定拨款作为员工的庆典福利。现在公司向你们征求意见,如何花费这笔钱?讨论并决定:$ |+ Y( N4 _  ?  h6 d& G" ]
l9 N0 P# j4 J$ w& o9 q5 P
6 }8 b7 y; A1 N, Jl  r1 t2 H- S4 _" E- N
% _! S/ G, @3 C9 S6 _3 n# HA:Good news! Our company will soon be celebrating the 25th anniversary and has decided to spend a sum of money on something that will benefit the staff. What do you expect to have?
8 O/ D% I$ b. q3 \4 AB: Cash gift, of course. You see, cash gift is simple and convenient to the employer. To the staff, they can make flexible use of the money. Different people’s needs, concerns and interests are different and various. With cash, the staff can buy something they need and like indeed. Cash gift is to the advantage of employees. What do you think of this?
. q' T9 ]  M" |# J0 p$ j+ z' n. {A: Though cash gift has some advantage, I don’t think it’s a good idea to offer employees cash gift only. You see, benefits should also provide advantage for the employees and do not necessarily have staying power, inspire action, or automatically translate to improved work performance. Instead, I’d suggest sticky rewards.7 Y5 U+ h" Z; a0 u, i/ j! r/ ?4 d
B: Sticky rewards? What do you mean by sticky rewards?2 j4 }0 P3 g% @+ l# e; U( I
A: Hmm. That means gifts that can stick in the minds of recipients, such as a trip, special gift, paid holiday and so on. Sticky gifts not only reward the employees, but at the same time benefit givers.
- O3 k7 l) F: }! J( N: p# d+ CB: That sounds nice and interesting. Sticky gifts are surely more memorable and can thereby provide a long-term payoff for the company and employees.! P& }! u+ S  {$ r' ]
A: Precisely, an all-expense-paid trip for an employee and his/her spouse to Paris, for instance, is likely to be a unique experience, and more impressive than a cash gift, and helps attract and retain quality employees.
" C) [0 n5 d* J, @B: Or we may offer physical health check-up for the staff, memberships or discounts on membership fees at health clubs and fitness centers, since staff’s health is of mutual benefits to the employer and the employee.
3 D7 r- E& R5 |$ i0 d! u1 J0 bA: Yes, they are all wonderful suggestions.8 Z& u9 G0 M  ~. d2 j
& d) l2 H5 t4 yB:当然是现金礼物。你知道现金作为礼物对员工来说简单而且方便。对员工来说,他们可以灵活运动金钱。不同的人所关切和感兴趣的方面各式各样有所不同。员工可以用现金购买他们实际需要和喜欢的东西。现金作为礼物对员工是有益处的。对此你是怎么人为的呢?
9 V# v, n0 e7 O  d& r2 gA:虽然现金礼物有一些有点,但我不认为只为员工提供现金礼物是一个好主意。你知道,提供现金作为礼物有利于员工但没有深远的影响。激励行为或者自觉地改善工作成绩,因此我建议用粘性奖品来替代现金奖品。
9 j- Z# T( i% ~7 qB:粘性奖品?你的粘性奖品指什么呢?6 J. n! [' A# Z; ]/ y: O( f
A:嗯,是指那种能深入人心留下印象的礼物,比如一场旅行、特别的礼物、有薪休假等等。粘性礼物不止是对员工的奖励,同时也是一种福利。3 O& Z/ T* o  H" o4 |* p7 w$ G2 G
B:听起来很棒很有趣。粘性礼物确实更有纪念意义因此为公司和员工提供长期的回报。' ?& E  t0 r( f& {' Y# \6 e
A:确实是这样,例如,为员工和其配偶提供巴黎旅行的全部费用,将成为一个独一无二的经验,这样比现金礼物更为印象深刻,并且有助于吸引和保留高素质的员工。* G1 v( }4 N/ q8 z
B:或者也可以为员工提供健康体检,让其成为健康俱乐部或健身中心的会员或者会员费折扣价,因为员工的健康是公司和员工的共同利益。$ i/ m) o5 r* E: z6 D8 f
0 |6 }8 x2 u% |; P! h3 e8 y, C是的,这些事不错的建议。( V& d$ u; \. ]+ F
(1)' D8 [! {) G* w% Z
Do you think formal company celebrations are good thing?(Why?/Why not?)
# @, v6 H; y3 j1 Z你觉得公司庆典大张旗鼓有必要吗?(为什么?)
( o/ K7 d( _9 }5 }4 X( B' ?. v1 wYes. Formal company celebrations can be an opportunity to promote company image and a chance to boost the morale of the staff.$ ?' e- \8 L) c0 n6 g
(2)" {) X# D, }9 g! b4 U+ q4 d4 D
Do you think it is beneficial to take part in social events with colleagues?(Why?/Why not?)
$ z' a8 Q- |( S$ R6 F! ]" Z你觉得与员工共同参与社交活动有益处吗?(为什么?); |! W9 \* J* _' q( \8 x3 w7 k* z
Yes. Attending social events with colleagues can help employee understand one another, improve relationship, and even enhance team work.
# ~, i; b7 u* J% E/ S& O(3)
" z, `8 }2 p3 UHow important is it to consider company finance when organizing social activities for staff?7 K8 r+ u2 K! x
公司组织员工参与社交活动时,考虑公司财政有多重要?5 w, _3 Z/ y4 C3 V8 s+ J" d9 p; l2 t
The costs of social activities should be planned and set aside according to company budget. The total expense shouldn’t be a financial burden for the company and shouldn’t affect the normal producing activities.4 g( c/ q5 k& H( J& z: C& W: q
(4), c5 j4 f! t: u1 B% n
What are the advantages for companies to organize social activities for staff?
7 q) j( @$ z3 A) d7 k2 m: f3 Q公司组织员工参加社交活动有何益处?( o+ F& H9 \) m
Organizing social activities for staff, such as sports, can not only improve the health of staff, but also encourage employee loyalty and devotion.
+ Z7 n. w6 Y5 c" D(5)( h! L. h4 D9 q# J2 |' Q( w( z
Is it a good idea to use company anniversary celebrations as a marketing tool?/ [4 T( w! V: s  D
将公司庆典作为一种市场营销手段是个好主意吗?(为什么?)7 U  p# e8 B. Y8 v2 `/ y$ H
Yes. Through celebrations, companies can publicize their products, service and image by gift-giving, or discount-offering.

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