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[综合辅导] 2011年商务口语辅导:练习(2)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
People sometimes talk of fringe benefits, usually referring to tangible benefits, but sometimes meaning both kinds of benefits.- \$ E  `1 F+ Z9 x' g, L
有时,人们还谈到附加福利,附加福利通常指有形福利,但有时指的是所有类型的而福利。6 d8 K" K" ]! h
You might also think of benefits as company-paid and employee-paid.
; I; j1 L% ~  ~( F' G; K福利还可分为公司支付和员工支付的福利。* T- F" g& v$ y8 ~
While the company usually pays for most types of benefits(holiday pay, vacation pay, etc.), some benefits, such as medical insurance, are often paid, at least in part, by employees because of the high costs of medical insurance.
, b7 u6 I: H) P! [& X# L, ?福利还可分为公司支付和员工支付的福利。虽然公司通常支付大部分类型的福利(如节日工资、休假工资等),但是有些福利,如医疗保险,由于保费高,通常由员工支付,至少支付部分保险费。
) d' ?% V1 G. n$ MPART ONE: Interview5 u1 ^6 n) D4 {
% ^  A) V* ~5 g2 V) m: B/ w6 yWill you accept pay inequity?(Why?/Why not?)
2 u, U' Q6 X# M6 m9 s7 h/ Z1 B你能接受不公平薪酬吗?(为什么?)
, k9 V0 N/ ?1 b7 aNo. If I am paid less than my colleagues for the same job value contributed, I will speak to my immediate supervisor about it and try to change the situation. If the situation is beyond my power, I will quit the job immediately, you know, I cannot stand inequality and unfairness.6 w4 N: \+ B7 k
& |. E- T0 R5 _4 R3 UIs flexible work hour important to you?(Why?/Why not?)
) [: }; G( t. D  T4 X/ V弹性工作时间对你重要吗?(为什么?): `4 \) h  s& X: Y7 V# t9 @. V
Yes. With flexible work hour, I can vary my arrival and departure time. I can work from home and avoid traffic jam, and what’s more important is that I will have more personal time and improve my work efficiency.0 f2 M* d& S; h' j  d& L
(3)$ A+ c2 D, n, x% ]' S& e" s; }
Do you think that organization should keep the employee’s pay secret?(Why?/Why not?)$ U& Q) D1 j7 k1 b6 x
0 L  d  {% `3 [& m- _1 YYes, definitely. Income should be treated as something private and confidential. As far as I am concerned, I hate people prying into(窥探,探问) my privacy as family, marriage, age, income, etc. , so I don’t like my salary open to the public.
( o# D; r: Z8 C- _9 [# m(4)$ c7 c( J& ^( u* @. X9 Y- `
Do you think that taking paid holidays will improve employees’ effectiveness in work?(Why?/Why not ?)/ F$ s7 D3 l* A. P( g
你认为带薪休假会提高员工的工作效率吗?(为什么?)4 D2 f- p4 h1 \# b& J4 x" I
Yes. A break helps people momentarily(暂时地) forget the monotony(单调) and stress of work. After having had a paid holiday, people will be physically and psychologically relaxed, and be energetic, fresh and more prepared for the challenge of their work.( A, ^; ?2 N8 {; K2 y
PART TWO: Mini-presentation
) t  g$ Y+ @6 |What’s important when…?
& l/ h& V1 v% S% @+ jDeciding base salary) s7 u4 K5 ^; W* p" U9 ?% p: \+ x
制定基本工资/工资水准,需要考虑哪些要点:& j. G) Y3 L5 e: I; x. z3 P
l6 ]+ u: m9 a, E
Salary level of comparable companies
8 E% E8 @4 h8 G3 k* q同行业的工资水平9 t" p- x2 Q. }9 _, }9 m) f, l
. Y+ }2 P1 z$ W( Y: x  A7 hAvailability of local workforce
: \$ x) B( I! k2 Z劳动力的供给情况9 T) |& `& o+ T3 s$ k& N
. e+ M% y; _, c% k% SWhen deciding base salary, comparison with other companies is important, since that involves the issue of external pay equity. If your starting salary is lower than other enterprises in your area, it will be difficult to attract a sufficient number of job applicants to staffing requirements, or it will appear unfair for your employees and will ultimately result in high turnover. If your rates of pay are higher, then it will create a large applicant pool and your organization may choose to raise selection standards and hire better-qualified employees, thus in turn reducing training costs and turnover. Comparison with other companies is just in search of competitive advantage.
2 U9 T* S# x8 M4 SBesides, availability of local workforce also exerts great influence on the base salary. The linkage of pay levels to labor markets serves to attract or retain valuable employees. If there is a short of local workforce, in order to attract or keep qualified employees to stay, you’ll have no choice but to raise your pay rate, otherwise you will lose in the talents battle.
' o/ {5 I1 D, a+ c( LIn addition, company finance and compensation policy should also be taken into consideration, since a company’s payroll budget depends on the company finance. It’s essential to keep labor costs at an acceptable level. And other supplemental compensations also help to enhance motivation, growth and competitiveness.
+ A1 |! l) R- C# [' Z0 Y7 V* K当指定基本工资的时候,与其他公司做比较是非常重要的,因为那涉及到外部薪酬平等的问题。如果你公司制定的基本工资比同地区其他公司低的话,那么吸引足够的员工来满足公司职位的需要将变得非常困难。对本公司员工也是不公平的最终结果是高人员流失率。如果你的工资比其他公司高,那么将会有大量候选人涌入,公司可以选择去提高对候选人的标准,雇佣更合格的员工,将会有减少培训成本和员工流失率。与其他公司相比旨在寻找有竞争力的优势。7 Y& [6 z! n% h) q& U2 k" e
此外,当地劳动力的供给状况也在很大程度上影响了基本工资。薪酬水平与劳动力力市场的服务挂钩以此来吸引和保留有价值的员工。如果劳动力市场匮乏,为了吸引和保留合格的员工,公司别无选择只能提高薪酬,否则,将会在人才战中失利。9 x8 ~  u3 @' _

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