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[综合辅导] 2011商务英语辅导:BEC词汇例解2

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
acquire [ E5kwaiE ] (v.) buy, obtain购得、占有
5 v7 `: F$ g  ?; O+ r[例]  We acquired a company, shares, etc.
$ k- @) v  \( P6 O4 E  U1 \[同义词]  obtain, get, procure
* g5 N- }0 h3 \) v $ P/ _$ ?, D8 U& |
acquisition [ 7Akwi5ziFEn ] the act of acquiring 收购 6 L1 ]: E3 c- V3 Q. A. a$ ^
[例]  The good news from TCL: the acquisition of Schneider!
, y1 K$ z* s4 K9 V! v1 ]+ T[同义词]  merger, takeover) {( F" m* h" Z  T

+ v& r3 C5 `# ?: @6 l/ ^acting [ 5AktiN ] (adj.) working in the position of someone for a short time代理的4 H6 Z; R- Q5 w9 A, S
[例]  an acting manager0 G. x+ b1 j# p" i: a( l

3 c5 E, R% K+ {active money (n.) money that is being used by the public as opposed to money left in bank accounts.流通货币(相对于银行帐户中的货币)
% a8 P6 T4 F; f# U, S[例]  The inflation increases active money .
+ K! S% G% \" A$ H; {( k) M8 Y' ~9 n " Z6 i" h* B2 f# F: `: \
activity [ Ak5tiviti ] (n.) type of business业务
+ ~) L# ~. q% q/ h* C0 Z[例]  Our main activity is export /import trade.
% S! V8 h) K) Y, p8 ][同义词]  business
% e$ w- w7 @* h8 {, o% K, u
  H1 y2 g* T, M4 Y  t: j' k2 nact of God (n.) an unexpected or unavoidable event such as a storm , a flood , and earthquake ,etc mentioned in some insurance contracts as a cause of loss or damage 不可抗力, h, U' i9 N4 l* H
[例]  We will include the term of act of God in this insurance policy to against some uncertain factors.
+ e4 `+ \: [) N- f0 t1 {[同义词]  force majeure
1 g# E2 ?/ u: E( r, b* t( J) P : L+ j! C6 ?0 t! H$ Z
actual [ 5AktjuEl ] (adj.) real实际的3 R: r' {$ m+ L% k9 |* g
[例]  Our actual results were better than forecast.1 _- ]" n# u" r! F, ?
4 B+ y* S* n0 \* s. L) V8 L* \' C
actual loss (n.) the real cost of something as opposed to a sum of money stated on paper实际损失(相对于帐面损失)
/ M# ^7 P# j1 {0 w[例]  In the recession, for the latest fiscal year, our actual loss is much greater than the paper loss. 8 V- C! n; ~+ m( B+ N
[相关词汇] paper loss
( w% _" X- n( j, @ $ f1 @; I( {: `, W) R! D
actuals (n.) goods that can be purchased and used , as opposed to goods traded on a futures contract that are represented by documents实货(相对于期货) 1 H9 W: |4 K( e5 f: A0 A& b+ l
[例] The merchant is especially interested in the trading of futures , not actuals.
0 D4 J9 ~0 Q& g2 @! r/ ]* b& B- t[同义词]  physicals
' l) V9 h+ L  c) X, Y
! m  l' O* ]4 B; t* S! j/ |adapt (to ) [ E5dApt ] (v.) to make suitable to or fit for a specific use or situation. 使适应

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