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[综合辅导] 2011商务英语辅导:BEC词汇例解9

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
assembly [  ] (n.) putting (a product) together装配
' g; N/ Z) A2 g0 t[例]  We have automated assembly line.
0 a; n8 S7 F$ e& ] assembly point (n.) a place where people should gather in an emergency.集合地点
) u1 [; z! o, W2 s; K assented stock (n.) an item of financial value, eg an ordinary share, that belongs to someone who has agreed to the conditions of a takeover bid 同意股票
- I5 c, ~# ^) Q  v: E, m3 F. |# Z, G assess [ ] (v.) estimate the value of估价% d& R( j+ G4 }! o1 [, O$ F
[例]  The property was assessed at £20,000.2 F2 H7 T" S& H5 y
[同义词]  value, evaluate
/ M& P5 s* F) t0 x+ s- Kassessment [ ] (n.) calculation of value估价
" O% O2 L( E- A' F' E[例]  a tax assessment
8 |' U9 R- {4 v& l2 O[同义词]  evaluation, appraisal* S, C8 h+ L  r$ u. c4 Q
asset [ ] (n.) something of value which is owned by a company资产. b' v5 O3 q8 ]9 s
[例]  Their company’s major asset is its property.
! Q* Q% p  A: O$ e" _[同义词]  property; @) m2 L+ y: g# H" b  b6 I6 H
asset backing (n.) the total value of the assets of a company divided by the number of ordinary shares issues. 资产保证9 N- K: F! ^: D6 i9 e9 _: \
[例]  We must ensure a solid asset backing for our company.
/ f: w1 T6 ?3 ^6 H9 e" O2 \6 P associate company (n.) a company of which more than 20%, but less than 51% of the share capital is held by another company .联营公司
. D$ f! d1 m( q6 T5 X1 a[例]  This firm is an associate company , not a holding company.% B+ c/ U# ?' @
current assets (n.) assets in daily use by a business 流动资产
8 u% d8 Q3 ~0 M9 t fixed assets (n.) property and machinery固定资产
5 l* v: q1 v. f( Q! ?' D- x; {9 k5 z[例]  Plants and machines are fixed assets.$ X; Y9 b, @/ q1 J' U0 {) T
frozen assets (n.) assets which cannot be sold, usually because there is a dispute冻结资产, h6 n) r; q' @5 \, s% w
intangible assets (n.) assets which cannot be seen (such as goodwill, patents etc.)无形资产
, V) z! s: u/ v; b# e liquid assets (n.) cash or bills which can be easily converted into cash流动资产' g% r0 I& ?" G, \5 B, H
[例]  The amount of liquid assets is important to a company.% Z* U5 N, T1 B, P
tangible assets (n.) assets which can be seen (such as property, machinery etc.)有形资产" g$ }" ^4 {/ Z2 D
at par ( adj/ adv) of a share or other security that has the same value on the market as the value written on the share itself 平价(市值等于票面值)+ W  I( I- K4 u3 l
[例]  She bought the shares at par.
3 L; p0 @6 l! \: k9 M% Q ATM (n.) automatic teller machine 自动取款机. g0 d. Y  s. C9 d* l" D
[例]  You can draw cash from any ATM at any time in Shanghai by using this Visa Card.
' T4 f$ C3 k3 S9 t  t# P[同义词]  cashpoint  `3 k* z. z* z' e2 c' {; k
attempt [  ] 1.(n.) trial, effort努力、尝试- C$ x' C! H( }# I  H. j2 ?
[例]  We have made an attempt to enter a new market.  S  h3 b0 W& \4 J: I7 u
2. (v.) try

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