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[综合辅导] 商务英语综合辅导:电脑病毒

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Helen: Hello welcome to Real English from BBC Learning English. I'm Helen.
/ i( R/ X. {' o  Zo: 大家好,我是刘佳。% A  Q! ^: M% c
  Helen: Today we're going to look at words and phrases that have recently become part of the English language.
  }4 O: o: D$ w% y  Zo: 地道英语和大家一起学习现代英式英语中最新出现的流行词汇和原汁原味的英式习惯表达。
* i1 a& V8 l3 |* L) E  Helen: It's very important to stay up to date with English as new words and expressions enter the language all the time.
+ d3 P7 w& i3 Q$ a. i; V. C& L! I  Zo: 那Helen我们今天来学的新词是什么呢?9 K# I* s% {3 k
  Helen: Today's new word is 'worm' – W.O.R.M. – worm.
! q- E* P2 U, a2 v$ F% ]2 W  Zo: Worm. 是虫子的意思吗?4 ]1 o/ N' U# X& Q; C& x) I# n
  Helen: Yes, but today worm is a computer word. It's a type of computer virus. It gets into your computer and causes lots of trouble.
& N: N4 h, B4 R  L$ O! ^& M! \' g+ r$ I  Zo: 哦,我知道了,这个worm也可以指一种电脑病毒。
5 l( E9 E) ~$ @# N! B- G  Helen: That's right. You could say 'Be careful which emails you open – they might contain a worm.': |3 f2 t4 t6 g4 ?3 _9 {
  Zo: 就是说一封email可能会携带电脑病毒。! @8 d. v# f, P1 `4 e/ `& S
  Helen: That's right, worms are a big problem nowadays.4 ~9 x4 I- y1 w6 P* w
  Insert$ q/ \0 W& X7 @
  A: Why didn't you answer my email?; h3 o  e7 C/ |& P& J
  B: Sorry – my computer is broken. I got some kind of worm last week and nothing is working.
( u' A/ H& I# o) F; u" H' N1 |  Helen: Have you ever had a computer worm?
4 I1 ?, ]1 [% ]+ m. t9 h: K2 d5 r  Zo: No. What about you?! I$ \  u+ V' m/ H- t4 P0 c: O
  Helen: We got a worm at work a while ago. It was terrible.4 P: w$ K# J4 J
  Zo: Really?9 U' b! Y3 l7 Y6 a: u4 @
  Helen: Yes, someone opened an email from someone they didn't know. It went from computer to computer so everyone in the office had a worm on their computer.
2 n, l" S% K! W- J6 Y# y  Zo: That's terrible!
) I; O% ~0 I8 S& O4 R: K! d7 u  Helen: Yes, we had to call someone to remove the worm. It cost a fortune!8 z  ?1 {4 _7 c7 Q- L+ s
  Zo: I will be very careful with emails from now on.
# E3 c, p, p# {1 k1 V- U( ?9 F* \. N  Helen: Yes, you should. You definitely don't want worms. Anyway, to recap a worm is:
% {$ h8 U9 A+ y  Zo: a worm 就是一种电脑病毒。OK that's all we have time for.
" v  c" [+ p5 J. h* x6 w/ ^7 m- @2 s  Helen: Well, you've been listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. Join us again soon.5 U8 S8 w* i  B1 ^, n
  Zo: See you next time.: s$ b+ Y& Z8 l/ B+ ~. q9 F
  Helen: Bye-bye!

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