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[综合辅导] 《商务英语口语900句》Unit 21:告知客户包装相关事宜

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
商务英语口语900句》Unit 21:告知客户包装相关事宜
5 P+ g4 @, y# T9 U/ TUnit Twenty-one 告知客户包装所用材料、方式及其质量保证
4 r- g/ L0 ^2 S. hPart One
$ U9 J& k$ i0 W  Q3 \+ t' g611.Our packing is strong enough to withstand bumping and rough handling under normal conditions.
' k$ t- `- B7 N' g! \  D我们的包装足够坚固,正常情况下经得起碰撞和野蛮搬装运4 o1 \, X; m' i) x
! b/ C6 a  U5 b" Q, U
612.The cases used for packing our transistor radios are light but strong. - z' O7 {- h% t; A. H  Z
我们电子收音机包装用的木箱轻巧坚固1 C. D5 m4 n% D( e+ P  R5 b* e, `* i
. e2 W" u7 }! b) ]
613.The export cases used to pack the goods are strong enough to protect the instruments.
4 u1 V- F2 j2 V, O包装用的出口木箱坚固足以保护设备
+ f9 c6 p, L* F  W# v9 c; Q# [" V4 u. h2 d0 n4 j7 s. h
614.The cartons lined with plastic sheets are waterproof.
" W7 F7 p8 {  f% n" T内衬塑料袋的纸箱可以防水, O3 q4 m; L% Z0 S
5 X% D+ H( P) M' T. B
615.we plan to use cardboard boxes with iron straps for reinforcement.
7 A/ T4 n9 i. c# F) N! q我们计划用铁带加固的硬纸盒
: X; n1 Q1 T' r
5 o/ T: B5 V9 u4 C( P0 x616.Our strip scissors are packed in boxes of one dozen each, 200 boxes to a wooden case.
% `3 s7 D1 ^4 E4 e' Y我们的磨剪一打一盒,200盒一木箱% A% U; [/ l+ b- W8 F

4 f) Q2 j% P! g5 X$ W, a) M" T6 S617.We’ll pack them 10 dozen to one carton, gross weight around 25Kg a carton. 2 \( D. h" ^5 _3 V
我们要将它们10打一纸箱,每箱毛重约25公斤# C; L$ ~" X$ Q! Q: M

% U4 u1 {& N1 N( U1 c( f* v7 S618.Our export fruit knives are packed in boxes of 100 dozen each. 2 X8 ]* e, W. \
; K! o# [1 ~7 x- j- K% P
! M0 P, O4 u7 {  c& B619.The packing of our men’s shirts is each in a polybag, 5 dozen to a carton lined with waterproof paper and bound with two iron straps outside. + j$ m& p! W9 p  v$ Z
6 C* I8 o) E& x7 H7 r
7 ]2 C7 Z$ g9 F620.Our cotton prints are packed in cases lined with draft paper and waterproof paper, each consisting of 30 pieces with 5 colors for on design.
0 T& h- a$ [6 X8 [1 h7 B我们的花布: C/ a$ k# Y2 U
( H" b& W+ k! W/ A. i- n; O7 a
621.The cigars are packed 5 pieces to a small packet, 20 packets to a carton,144 cartons to a cardboard container.
. F( B2 {3 D  `" Y1 O雪茄5只一小包装,20包一箱,144箱一纸板箱。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:40 | 显示全部楼层

《商务英语口语900句》Unit 21:告知客户包装相关事宜

</p>( H! R5 m5 J4 h; H" d) {: \5 B
622.These cartons are well protected against moisture by plastic lining.
' i% H, Y. \( @3 M  w这些纸箱内衬塑料布防潮效果很好
8 B4 d+ Y4 E( k! \1 K: k4 }3 x- R4 f2 O1 \+ q9 F
623.All the goods will be packed according to the special way you require.
3 k2 f! I. u. s所有货物根据你方要求的方式包装
7 e$ U; _% U$ K$ B  ^1 j$ R" ]6 X" m" P# Q5 T
624.As requested, the shirts will be packed in waterproof material. 4 }* C- b4 |7 S2 R  C" ]7 o8 X( {
根据要求,衬衫将用防水材料包装& R" a0 e% f$ j/ i' k

( L* M3 Z8 y/ D# n" k7 E& m  \625.We plan to use cardboard or plastic cartons for the outer packing. 6 K% M4 }, N  }) G9 F
% @! I" @; h# R. ^0 V2 q. L: E
9 \5 U% l2 m) ~' V626.You goods will be packed in wooden cases with tin-lining and iron hoops.
; t" @+ ~7 {! e你们的货物将用内衬锡纸外加铁箍的木箱包装+ [& f# o; I  Q* c+ n" N

7 @# _) S0 J# n# q9 C! X627.The goods we packed in new and sound jute bags, each containing about 200 pounds. - A" c: A7 X: T) B. ?, b9 _0 h. \
- C/ M2 @0 o! c6 W) v2 s/ W! ^7 q" ?. C7 N$ I
628.The cartons are well protected against moisture by polythene sheet lining.
$ L3 \' _+ P  {纸箱内衬聚乙烯袋防潮效果很了
+ G! l2 O& D3 @' }- }7 w% D1 t4 A$ G+ k# p  l; }+ e+ C2 {  n7 t5 C
629.If the goods are packed in cartons, any traces of pilferage will be in evidence, therefore the insurance company may be made to pay the necessary compensation for such losses. + C+ @6 t/ m' l
如果用纸箱包装,任何偷窃痕迹都很明显,因此保险公司很易做出赔偿$ x7 P' E6 N; d# R% c

6 }) e+ U1 S  J& |/ L630.Such packing has also been accepted by our insurance company for WPA and TPND.
( V8 H  n7 H  @9 E, n9 u这样的包装保平安险和盗窃和提货不着险已被保险公司接受。
7 X. c# f. S( d$ {0 c: xPart Two
; X/ J( R, T' {$ ~631. The cartons are comparatively light, and therefore easy to handle.
0 G" @& X% O/ b& k. Q. w6 |+ i纸箱相对轻便,因此易于搬运
7 K$ \8 k) R8 Q4 L$ v$ H' K0 w# F& c$ J& f) }+ H0 D* [
632. It is our usual way to pack these goods in cartons.
; j, F8 t4 J1 B/ \我们通常用纸箱包装这些货物& `( p! R' W+ K) O

7 o9 [5 z4 @- E, w/ e* l& _* S
2 Y. V  o$ R4 f  z1 D  N633. Cartons are quite fit for ocean transportation, and they are extensively used in our shipments to other continental ports to the entire satisfaction of our clients. ) d7 v' X8 n. w" Q1 k8 ~
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:41 | 显示全部楼层

《商务英语口语900句》Unit 21:告知客户包装相关事宜

</p>4 ~- k7 W0 t! \( P
634.Cartons are more convenient to handle in the course of loading and unloading.
6 [8 q3 ?% q8 x  e0 I纸箱在装卸时便于搬运
9 D3 ?* a! m: t6 V4 t. L9 ]3 n
9 ^! ?# c- B! h2 P* f. c- T2 t635.We would like to inform you that we used to pack our scissors in wooden cases but after several trial shipments in carton packing, we found our cartons just as seaworthy as wooden cases.
9 @+ z1 `! T( P6 B2 b我们想通知你我们用木箱包装剪刀,但经过几纸箱包装试运后,我们发现我们的纸箱和木箱一样适合海运/ ^, x( e4 N) S+ o+ H
" Z4 B+ {6 v5 E) l9 C, \
636.Cartons are less expensive, lighter to carry and cost lower freight.   |% y+ S5 i1 C' E( O
. L3 J# f. S7 g9 d0 i9 g* A/ {1 e% l, q; z
637.We refer carton packing to wooden case packing. 1 J) C+ I& C7 _  B% Z) G4 m% z  |
$ g8 P/ R+ s  H( r! }, G) [* ?$ b' l( @) {/ e( c- ]1 m5 d
638.Our cartons for canned food are not only seaworthy , but also strong enough to protect the goods from damage.
2 f/ A6 |$ a* w. e/ Q+ o我们罐装食品用的纸箱不仅适合海运,而且坚固足以防止货物受损
( a) I- y, D% C. }( t6 ~1 z6 z& o- b% N, \& V: }
639. Cartons are not likely to be mixed with wooden cases while in transport or storage, so that the rate of breakage is lower than that of wooden cases. . X8 U6 \* {, ]% L1 R. k5 x
; F: N! l0 K* \+ V9 [6 F5 r
! S) W  L% Z  j' i( B* G& ^# J640.Shirts packed in such cartons are not so susceptible to damage by moisture as those packed in wooden cases. # p0 Y9 C) ~9 k4 e( o
装衬衫的这种纸箱没有木箱包装的那么易于受潮破损0 O+ A1 T: n0 Z3 J
. C. {3 {. \) g! K  m
641.All our wooden cases are well sealed. They are not easily subject to sweat damage. ; Y  n$ p  Z& _8 f  d9 Y. ^
, J& C4 C' d6 n' s
% I7 U+ S( ~' ]642.We believe that your clients will find the improved packing satisfactory and your fears unwarranted. 7 P+ U3 J' E) W8 ~
我们相信你们的客人会满意改良的包装并且你的担心毫无理由) E# @- C1 I8 k( Y' J" r/ _

9 y- i4 B4 y# n0 R. J; G, z  r643.We hope that you will agree to our opinion and accept our carton packing.
( X0 F4 p( ?- F$ R# O9 ?* N我们希望你能同意我们的观点和接受我们的纸箱包装
( |7 H' j! b9 H" u  u2 w2 v) H$ {6 s- S: D! m
644.The weight and measurement of each case are clearly marked on every case.
( L6 `6 H, R  j- n- b/ b( m每箱的重量和尺寸都在每箱上清楚地标明
: q6 c; R; d6 [) g. Z0 c8 H) k, y6 N0 G1 N. ~* d) y4 g; g
645.You will know that our packing has been greatly improved and we are sure that they will meet with the satisfaction of the clients.
1 H! A1 M+ h/ M) _7 y" W) d- L你将知道我们的包装已经改良,我们相信它们可以让客户满意
' d8 p& F8 L# K3 U3 ^- k3 @+ {3 W7 p$ i2 m+ o# j' p
646.The dimension of the cases are 17cm high, 30 cm wide and 50 cm long with a volume of about 0.026 cubic meter. The gross weight is 23.5Kg.
, A) l  J$ Y/ j) L6 k9 t; j箱子尺寸为高17厘米、宽30厘米、长50厘米,体积约0.026立方米,毛重23.5公斤# R6 W. F* P  j9 x4 U

' T1 |! l! g5 m; t: g7 g647.They save shipping space and facilitate the storage and distribution of the goods.
7 ^, O. @9 m$ U  d; l; Y7 M6 d他们节省运输空间,便于储藏和货物分发
$ `  ~; D9 n, c9 Z) q; Z
/ y# }' ]5 R' s( Z648.In addition to the gross, net and tare weights, the wording “ Made in the people’s republic of China “ is also stenciled on the package.
* Y. f, N9 Y/ I4 f/ i除毛、净和皮重外,“中华人民币共和国制造”也要在包装上加上钢印, x$ U9 j6 P- g/ M# _0 M
7 H( K6 R7 B% Z0 E/ g  I" w# _
649.We have made a number of improvements in packaging and presentation. Please set your mind at ease.
( V% S( Q0 j' C- D/ W0 L( y我们已经在包装和介绍上做了一些改进,请提出宝贵意见
) f+ `' o6 z8 u
. |" O; k$ Q  I6 ?650.Our containers are in complete conformity to the specification laid down by the International Standardization Organization.
  ~6 F* p7 ]& S我们的集装箱与国际标准化组织规定的规格完全相符
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