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[综合辅导] BEC商务词汇详细解(24)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
BEC商务词汇详细解(24)$ W- M9 P( r& T! Y
6.configuration n.构造,结构;配置;外形# u2 ?& [' W* q" t2 j9 x1 R  @
【相关词组】chain configuration 链构型中华考试网(www.Examw。com)5 M! K5 P; P) H* F- R
network configuration 网络结构
/ `0 ^" `6 r! u% Q" Oreflection configuration 发射结构
- n) s& z9 _5 |' q3 p: f: qspatial configuration 立体构型" q# R5 L. _6 n& N
7.congestion n.拥塞;密集& |! N2 F9 k, }4 {7 }6 u
【相关词组】congestion surcharge 拥挤附加费- r6 P9 A+ p0 M+ j5 |( d7 k
congestion of traffic 拥挤的交通
& k7 q0 O: [3 G: j' R! ^- c: V: L# ]congestion of population 人口过剩
3 \2 Y" n6 q9 p6 f- m" L8.conglomerate n.联合大企业;多种经营大公司;跨业经营公司
2 E0 a$ u/ e$ }4 R$ s4 a8 O【商务用语】conglomerate company 综合公司/ v' N& |' k% U7 @3 T
conglomerate financial statement 联合企业财务报表& v. |; }$ _# ^3 {
conglomerate merger 多行业企业合并+ L4 M/ Q' d& u% a/ S
9.conglomeration n.混合物,联合,集团% ~( K5 S9 X2 A9 g3 c
【商务用语】conglomeration integration 多行业企业合并联合
6 D: o; i% }* A. ?10.consensus n.集体意见,君子协定& U2 N) q* T6 d5 v2 W
【例句】The voters'consensus was that the measure should be adopted.6 s* i- M; Y% l/ z

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