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[综合辅导] 商务英语实用英语50句02

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
16 we have only one a day for new york.- I( v; y8 W: }" ]
3 `* q, h5 s% m17 sorry, they are already full.! }( w# }- ]' s& z4 g1 y2 |
抱歉,全部满了。6 M3 V6 I& U0 A2 g( W5 l
18 i’d like to reserve a seat to new york.* F" `$ u9 ]% ^' l$ K6 \
" d5 G  i  o/ Z+ ?; _* f19 the flight number is ak708 on september 5th.0 y1 @7 B; f7 T+ k7 b  ?: G
班机号码是9月5日ak7082 ~; c" O. F! e4 U& L% m3 V
20 there’s a ten thirty flight in the morning.4 |4 A1 F+ D1 T& g
早上10点半有班机。6 [; g# B7 }6 v/ J( i
21 i'm looking for my baggage。" f& D# X/ l; b# @
我正在找我的行李。3 }' l0 M% L+ i/ K: @- c/ H2 h* F
22 i'd like to make a reservation; h$ s* I# n, O9 u, ?
; g: `7 S  }' r23 the sooner, the better.) m1 h5 j& u, O/ \
7 R% a( i7 C4 a. ?24 i'd like to change my reservation.* ~5 G6 `& q% p% V
我想变更一下我的预订。  y) ?# D' L  T& x3 j$ x
25 i'd like to reconfirm my flight from london to tokyo.5 x! s0 |) u) M
我要再确认一下我从伦敦到东京的班机。& F) k, D1 n/ a
26 my reservation number is 2991." G7 `  W& N6 T/ Y8 F7 n8 {
. Y3 U. c- D- M1 q- q0 p9 L27 i made a reservation in tokyo.6 |- A. [1 u' A2 f5 V# J4 M" q" v9 D
7 H1 u2 F+ z% @; }) ?# V5 L4 n28 i made reservations yesterday.
$ G, z: f5 G, a( p. Q0 K我昨天预订的。0 x) ~0 _/ @" ]/ P
29 i want to reserve a seat from los angeles to tokyo.( T/ x4 L* h3 b4 _% f- k# @9 C7 N
$ ~' G3 v- k4 c$ w! s( n30 i always have a big wash to do on saturdays.
* u0 W% F  W2 J5 L; o我星期六总是有一大堆的衣物要洗。

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