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[综合辅导] 精选BEC初级商务英语词汇训练题五

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. [horrible] The little girl has a (  ) of snakes and spiders.
5 Z! U( K% A+ d# V0 c/ j3 @& i* N  2. [intimate] The (  ) with which the two friends talked showed how fond they were of each other.0 s/ z1 B& g1 M
  3. [confuse] If you write more clearly, you will prevent the (  ) of your readers.
) m5 h) a2 ^# u* {4 p  4. [utter] His crazy (  ) disappointed everyone around him.; R* Q2 |/ w1 X* M: V$ }% r2 @$ s
  5. [proof] In order to (  ) the servant's honesty, she left a bag containing money on the table.
8 y8 s) P5 l# h0 M/ V. ^3 M6 I
4 z; ~& ?; G- @  答案解析:9 T; Z& ?% i# t; K1 a
, X1 m( P8 p1 x! M
  1.正确答案:horror 题目翻译:小女孩怕蛇和蜘蛛.
! B% X( q' I: S; R0 q2 N  2.正确答案:intimacy 题目翻译:两个朋友亲密的谈话显得他们多喜欢彼此.
2 X% {3 k3 c1 u1 Y: k# N  3.正确答案:confusion 题目翻译:如果你写的清楚一些,你读的时候就避免混淆了.
2 i8 a) M" j4 a' x: Y' I  4.正确答案:utterance 题目翻译:他的疯话让周围的人失望.
/ W6 A+ C. t( z  M+ i! |; L# W" F* Z  5.正确答案:prove 题目翻译:为了证明servant的诚实,她留下了装有钱的袋子.

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