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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析一

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A share (n.) an ordinary share that does not give the owner the right to vote on company issues A股
# Y7 u% \5 o* K% v+ T) c[例]  Our company will issue A shares on market." K; {: m6 J' y/ s3 W6 T# _5 S
abroad [ E5brC:d ] (adv.) to/in another country国外的1 Q8 J$ A" u& \, h9 @; l- a
[例]  The sales director is abroad on business trip.1 {+ ?; ]1 E* n4 }! ?& P
[同义词]  overseas, in foreign parts, out of the country. a$ t. m( ~) |% b  y) ?) Z
absence [ 5AbsEns ] (n.) time/period away from work缺席1 h6 H' A0 g2 ~8 D6 p, s4 T8 I
[例]  The absence of the chief director of the meeting is somewhat a pity.: i# I6 [. a/ w* L/ y
[同义词]  nonattendance, nonappearance4 e: a8 ?% E" q9 v% @
absent [ 5AbsEnt ] (adj.) not present, not at work缺席的/ k: G% r6 f) {2 K. m( P
[例]  Please let your section head know if you are likely to be absent for a longer period.
% S6 n! I6 `) {3 w' v! I[同义词]  away, off, missing
  m0 e& G# u0 N  }7 z, x$ | absenteeism [AbsEn5ti:Iz(E)m] (n.) regular absence from work旷工+ J( u- @& |: M3 ^
[例]  If motivation decreases, absenteeism is likely to increase.

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