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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析二十四

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
balance sheet (n.) statement of the financial position of a company or business at a certain moment资产平衡表
. j0 e  a- K6 D/ N# [  " i* s3 y$ S% l2 k- N  ]+ S/ G
ban (v) to forbid something ; to forbid someone to do something 禁止 ' L* i' ^5 e; ?* r' ~3 Z  C. n7 k
[例]  Public advertisement on tobacco is banned in China, but some crafty tobacco companies are successful in circumventing this ban.
/ Q9 c& ~7 T, x3 c0 O( b9 F[同义词]  forbid 3 ]: {( G% M0 `' r/ ~
  3 _. N4 q9 \. F9 f% e# s/ N' y
bank (v) to deposit something in a bank  存入
+ u. r1 J! }: x* O6 c[例]  You have to bank a certain amount of money in order to avoid being overdrawn.  ( p9 J" q* S$ [4 ?& Q
[同义词]  deposit # q5 u9 W* E! x' d; f% P% I
  6 E6 d2 L' R7 y/ r' T
BA (bank acceptance ) a bill of exchange that is accepted by a bank for a fee.银行承兑汇票  
2 ~* N. \) q7 L0 \# R[例]  We will issue a bank acceptance for the payment.
! Q$ `0 R: @" H" f+ T3 n# U  
0 }$ }0 D$ N+ l) Dbank book (n.) a book that lists all payments into and withdrawals from a customer’s bank account 存折 : z6 {3 W1 H! x6 f  x+ Z
[例]  You can insert your bank book into this machine which will automatically update it.
% J+ f7 @! C) v; g1 E1 R5 M  ( t/ W  j: ]9 |% v0 y
bank holiday (n.) a day, not a Saturday or Sunday, when banks are closed and which is also a general holiday(英国)银行假日  7 {) H" b+ z, U
[例]  You have to wait till the day after tomorrow for your opening account in the Bank of London because    tomorrow is a bank holiday.
% U, J6 @' l8 t' @% obank statement (n.) written statement showing transactions and balance of an account银行结单 / w% s! P" I- X) \1 d1 X& |
bankrupt [ 5bANkrQpt ]1. (adj.) unable to pay debts破产的
. d: l/ h8 z. r2 r) J0 L! H/ v[例]  He was declared bankrupt.
  n" b$ }! d/ u/ ^* n! X[同义词]  insolvent
% g* \* O7 H7 Z. t& K, q0 [2. (v.) force someone to become bankrupt使破产 , R5 o7 |$ `: @+ T5 s
[例]  The high interest rates have bankrupted my business.

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