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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析二十六

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
batch process (n.) production process based on converting a quantity of items at the same time批处理6 ?6 q+ W% U/ i; D. i
batch size (n.) number of items in a batch批量 ; J1 Y$ ?* i1 s8 ^% p. h( x$ \
bear market (n.) period when share prices are falling熊市9 o0 B5 [6 O: ]) f7 x& P* K! z" @
[例]  Unfortunately, you confronted bear market.0 t& m2 d0 @9 R
beat [ bi:t ] (v.) win over (someone) in a fight胜过7 A+ h# |# T8 |
[例]  We have beaten our competitors to be the first on the market.
0 U' ]5 L7 x8 G/ n6 W[同义词]  defeat, hit5 p9 z5 z5 k& ]
behave[ bi5heiv ] (v.) act举止! k5 @- G- Q* I0 v  Z' B
[例]You should behave yourself when attending such important banquet.  below-the-line (adj.) below-the-line advertising; advertising which is not paid for页底的(广告)& D5 F3 {$ p0 Y  H7 D6 r  i
[例]  Below-the-line activities refers to sales promotion or marketing research which a marketing department buys directly.5 z! b) [- G' U8 t; J+ G9 X. C
benchmarking (n.) to measure (a rival's product) according to specified standards in order to compare it with and improve one's own product比较和改进自己的产品
2 J6 D6 }1 |: j3 n1 m* x[例]  Benchmarking has become one of the fashionable words in current management discussion.  h0 L2 m" o' ^5 }' S9 b
benefit [ 5benifit ] 1. (n.) advantage; profit 好处,利益* d+ ?& Y- f9 [2 h" C
[例]  It will be our mutual benefit to come to an agreement.% P/ S8 W/ c  `! N1 P) @: P
2. (n.) money provided as a right under a state or private insurance scheme, e.g. disability benefit.津贴,救济金
( H4 _* a7 F! S- m8 r3. (v.) to profit, gain advantage from有益于,受益于
1 [8 F, p* p, z* S; S1 e2 O" W disability benefit (n.) payment made to a person unable to work because of permanent or long-term physical handicap残疾抚恤金

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