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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析三十二

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
bring forward (v.) make earlier提前
4 @& N. i0 V  R8 d[例]  We brought the launch date forward to June 1st.
1 v) C; H$ |' y  k0 K  K bring up (v.) mention, introduce提出5 ~5 X. Y$ R! [4 {4 D3 V: p
[例]  The chairman brought up the question of holidays.
# k. m% _: r! t5 B brochure [ brEu5FjuE ] (n.) publicity booklet giving information about a product or service(宣传产品的)小册子
, x/ x& r: o! ]0 C9 S( Y[例]  They asked for a brochure about our services.
2 [$ ~5 }! F& x4 G4 O[同义词]  leaflet, pamphlet, booklet
& D* l# n$ D; Y; `7 W! |  j broke[ brEuk ] (adj, inf) without/out of money破产的,一文不名的# d7 Q/ L8 p% X; l5 G
[例]  He was broke until he won the lottery.2 y8 ]7 C6 l# z( O
[同义词]  insolvent* ^! N5 _4 U: Z* v( o% Y2 L( H" h
broker [ 5brEukE ] (n.) person who buys and sells shares/currency etc.经纪人
, x# R+ `6 Y; L0 K$ K7 {9 g[例]  That firm is acting as a broker.- v) B+ W5 a$ g
[同义词]  agent, middleman
7 _. y- E8 W0 E* R+ M* Q% i  V9 } brown goods(n) items such as television sets and radios that are sold in cabinets made of wood or similar materials 茶色电器* G: H3 S* Q3 t3 b# y) y
[例] There are bloody competitions on China’ brown goods market.
5 m/ s( P" D# m  X/ Y[反义词]white goods

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