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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析三十七

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
cash flow (n.) the pattern of income and expenditures, as of a company or person, and the resulting availability of cash现金流转
$ J9 ~3 \* z8 J+ F[例]  The cash flow of the bank’s counter is calculated at day end.
+ m8 V4 }9 _" `1 q5 B cash ratio (n) the relationship between the mount of money a bank holds in cash and the total amount it holds in deposits and investments 现金比率
3 S0 G2 s  _; R5 O[例] In order to better deal with possible bank-rush, banks should keep a reasonable cash ratio.
, K$ _& _  [  l, m1 \2 n  d: G casual labour  one that serves or appears at irregular intervals, especially a temporary worker临时工人2 B0 F# y; J' p7 s4 R
[例]  All work is done by casual labour.
$ A3 r, x5 y4 l: k1 xcatalogue [US catalog] a sales publication which lists products and prices产品目录5 Y. }3 S; F% Q4 ]3 K* A
[例]  When doing import trading, you should get to know the exporter’s catalogue.1 E: D. v+ H' ?% M; U; R$ f- y/ t$ a( C
[同义词]  list, inventory
0 j) q1 `  P' ]: _. t2 e8 i$ l! n6 F" { cater for (v.) service, deal with供应
# u. W1 D  B5 d0 W[例]  We can only cater for 20 people; if there are more, there won’t be enough space." {7 ^) m" Z+ s& `  S
catering industry(n.) industry provide food to customers餐饮业
& E  V/ i- c  r! Z' @[例]  Catering industry met depression for SARS in Asia.
6 G5 p4 [: m& h0 r1 O$ ]2 |. Y catch a cold to lose money in a business deal 亏本
! P- U' P( x+ C8 D0 f[例] During that severe recession, many shareholders caught a cold.  B7 d& j( ^7 p3 E1 @- M
CBA (cost-benefit analysis)成本效益分析: V. a! k7 t, N& O& E% I$ o
certificate of origin (n) a document that shows where goods were made 原产地证书
" t$ j. ?# R+ A% m[例] The Customs required us to show a certificate of origin for clearing the goods.

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