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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析三十八

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
certified cheque (n) a cheque marked by the bank it is drawn on as “good for payment” 保兑支票
) \! b# G/ M2 R[例] We only accept certified cheque.
9 L. S$ k6 ~* \) N* O[同义词] marked cheque: m; U$ i7 z% ?1 ^! Z
chain [ tFein ] (n.) number of shops belonging to one company连锁店
+ R' n. F& `1 D[例]  The well famous retail company has built up at least 200 chain stores in China.
: @# R& x* o& T/ c$ z! o8 v6 n* K: X chair[ tFZE ] (v.) to preside over as chairperson 主持
8 r2 O( E0 m( a' Z[例]  I chaired  the executive committee.
+ T! P# m; O  r2 M0 |# _[同义词]  preside
# Q; K* `$ G/ A, @ challenger [ `tFAlIndVE(r) ] (n.) company which enters a market where others are already established 挑战者
# w7 b; [8 ?. ?/ A( r6 v, W! B[例]  New Asia Snack is a competitive challenger to KFC.0 }9 H' [/ N, T8 f$ {' X
channel [ 5tFAnl ] (n.) means by which goods pass from one place to another(销售)渠道. f. x) [9 ^* T  |
[例]  The main distribution channel is through supermarkets.
/ P. L* g( Q% I" V4 z8 a- M4 O charge [ 5tFAnl ] (n.) payment to be made for a service费用
6 ~3 o) `% s' `* {) b2 ~0 u[例]  There is no service charge included in the bill – it is at your discretion!' f) e1 F7 n+ M
chart [ tFB:t ] (n.) diagram which displays information visually 图表
" ?- G0 y& Y, \) c; x[例]  Please draw a chart on sales volume of this month.
) g. H& W" S4 W( ^" W[同义词]  diagram,graph

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