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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析四十

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
CIF COST, INSURANCE AND FREIGHT到岸价格- }/ k/ [* Z0 c2 C" u4 p
circular [ 5sE:kjulE ] (n.) a copied leaflet which is sent to people 传单,大量分发的广告页
6 K* g/ O# S- i* F* o% [' e2 K[例]  Have you seen the circular handed out in the street?
" q9 F  H! u* K! C[同义词]  notice, advertisement: ~: \4 t8 n  w/ Y  e) ~' Q+ `& Z
claim[ kleim ] 1. (n.) request for money索赔) P+ {1 i: L$ K5 g' n0 I
[例]  We put in an insurance claim after the accident.
- o+ N$ r- _3 Z( i2. (v.) ask for money索赔
: I' @0 s! R8 w, _$ }; ^+ Y[例]  We claimed $50,000 for the damaged car.) g7 ]. u6 \2 Q5 w3 z$ ~4 E
claimant [5kleImEnt] (n.) a party that makes a claim(根据权利)提出要求者, 原告
, ]' `& h0 ?# N! @4 ], X: s classified advertisement (n)short ads in a newspaper or magazine placed by people offering or asking for a product or service, or who are offering or looking for employment分类广告 7 T0 F+ {- k) m* |
[例] I will place a classified ad for the coming auction.
+ o" O0 {9 x/ Q8 w  r% n% A clear (v) 1.to dispose of goods 抛售. B# x4 I) _+ s) s8 j5 E# ?4 ^0 {
[例] The stock sold their goods at cost price in an attempt to clear old stock.
. F: d, p# L" M# [2.to pass goods through customs 清关
3 |; I! e* U5 G% _4 G2 I+ x8 u6 ][例]  clear the goods2 r8 p0 Y$ E% V( Y
clear (adj) net 净的
% }/ U) ~4 k: f6 Y3 r- \# Z3 E[例] The clear profit is very little after deduction of all expenses.  F3 a* ]3 q0 V5 w; |
clerk [ klB:k; klE:k ] (n.) person employed in an office to do routine tasks职员 1 Y  X2 v# l! Z) z2 {5 d" E
[例]  She was employed as a bank maintenance clerk after her graduation.7 ^; e( i" s) T; g/ M# q
client [ 5klaiEnt ] (n.) person or company buying a service客户8 {* N9 _3 j5 F+ M8 k5 Y5 i- U0 n
[例]  Nowadays good service is a very important aspect to the bank’s clients.
5 p+ G2 U0 _+ K+ ]; W) A, @ clientele [ 7kli:B:n5teil ] (n.) a body of customers or patrons 顾客(总称)& P8 n, v6 S+ A7 c) ^
[例]  a restaurant's clientele

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