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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析四十一

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
cold [ kEuld ] (adj.) not approached before 冷不防的
8 {6 R6 K1 z! o1 w% P# n% |; J[例]  He gave me a cold call this afternoon but we didn’t have any appointment.
, w$ A) J$ n# ?$ P+ x9 \6 R collaboration [ kE7lAbE5reiFEn ] (n.) working together 协作 * c" |3 [+ O! p. M3 j
[例]  The efficient collaboration will bring mutual benefit to both sides.
$ W* A. |5 y( s- K$ z! R, _6 S- K collective bargaining (n.) negotiations between unions and employers about conditions, wages, etc. 集体协定,劳资双方就工资等问题谈判
3 T1 K0 ]. H) \/ B[例]  Labor union is making collective bargaining with employers of that factory.
, u( n6 i/ c  o! S# @8 ?, F  N come up with =put forward (an idea) 提出# W' ]& _$ d% d6 w+ D7 i
[例]  come up with an original idea1 d, P& h5 L  u1 p  E
commercial [ kE5mE:FEl ] (adj.) of or relating to commerce 商业的% M  e- ]# ]4 ^3 `6 k' |' b
[例]  commercial area
0 W! F& D) R( |5 P  ]! q[同义词]  trading, mercantile+ H+ b+ U% R+ p8 N) M
commercial(n.) advertisements on TV or radio (电视插播的)商业广告' r& ]3 X0 i) O- a. U- z
[同义词]  advertisement# r' u. S2 h6 u) p1 Y1 U  x
[例]  The aim of the repetitions of the same commercial on television is nothing but to brainwash consumers into compulsive consumption.
/ q' U; p1 {. t7 |& s% d5 \ commercialize [ kE5mE:FElaiz ] (v.) make something make money使商业化5 t8 \, O% j5 A' L3 U
[例]  They have a good research reputation but they find it difficult to commercialize their products.

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