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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析四十二

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
commission [ kE5miFEn ] (n.) proportionate amount of money paid to a sales person/agent, usually a percentage of the sales made佣金
. ^* [/ N' g" ~# x[例]  We offered the agent a 10% commission.' t2 P7 ]) m8 _& W% N. W+ g5 f) N4 k
commitment [ kE5mitmEnt ] (n.) acceptance of values or pursuit of objectives 许诺,承担义务1 s" G3 }# r, K
[例]  We have not made any commitment in this respect.
! r. v# G% ~" B[同义词]  pledge, engagement, promise% c+ p' A. D$ Y
commodity[ kE5mCditi ] (n.) goods sold in very large quantities, such as metals, foodstuffs商品(尤指日用品)[例]  The commodity of this food company sells very well on the market.
& T* M, L2 J# ^- K0 ` commute [ kE5mju:t ] (v.) daily travel between home and office 每天乘车往返上下班  q6 d2 e4 D. |. a: N; u
[例]  She, as a consultant, commutes from Cambridge to London every day.; F& t7 J# p/ L9 J) q+ X3 g6 k) F: D
limited (liability) company (Itd.) a private company where the shareholders are responsible for repaying debts to the value of their shares有限责任公司
! j7 c( z& j$ R6 F public limited company (plc) company whose shares can be bought on the Stock Exchange股票上市公司/ a1 d4 d) o/ l! H) ]
compensate [ 5kCmpEnseit ] (v.) give something such as money to someone for loss or damage补偿
6 U8 m6 E1 o  e4 a5 E9 L/ Y+ H[例]  The director decided to compensate those who had been hurt in the working accident.2 z2 g, z0 G5 ~
compensation [ kCmpen5seiFEn ] (n.) something, usually money, given to someone for loss or damage 赔偿(金), C7 B% e" `  M6 S( |
compete [ kEm5pi:t ] (v.) succeed in doing better than (another person/company)竞争0 w) k% f+ T( r# i/ X3 n8 C% j
[例]  It’s difficult to compete with low-priced imports.1 m7 X6 v7 Z1 k+ |' L
competition [ kCmpi5tiFEn ] (n.) process of trying to do better竞争. `; ]/ U- T1 S  `- h9 v3 W9 I- @
[例]  The competition is very fierce.

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