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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析四十八

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
contractual [ kEn5trAktjuEl ] (adj.) describing the relationship under a legal agreement契约的
3 o, y1 n0 G" M7 W) A[例] We have no doubt that you will respect the solemnity of contractual obligations.
# x9 ^! i  s$ t- g" r* X0 o contribute [ kEn5tribju:t ] (v.) give support (often money)捐献" g- Y2 `+ k+ V! T+ t& t0 b
[例]  We contributed to the charity fund.
1 Q" u, s+ Q4 P( ?/ l* l* v" f [同义词]  supply, furnish, provide, z, x: W9 s0 }  u
contribution [ 7kCntri5bju:FEn ] (n.) amount of support or money given贡献& N  e+ j4 a/ I$ W/ I- J
[同义词]  donation
* w" N1 T$ k& B9 w conversion [ kEn5vE:FEn ] (n.) process of changing inputs into finished products(投入)转化(为产品)
- ]/ W! O3 n/ X. c. m, O[例] Finally we made a conversion of raw materials into finished products.
$ _" H0 E) F( `6 H, _[同义词]  transformation, transfiguration, alteration
4 m1 ?. }* q$ N% [9 B6 ^" @+ g* G/ ] convertible currency (n) money that can be exchanged for the currency of another country 可自由兑换货币. K) Y6 ?! U; D
[例] Till now , RMB is not a convertible currency.
5 M' t0 l/ d3 {( I copy [ 5kCpi ] (n.) text specially written for an advertisement or a brochure(广告)解说词
  k: B: _8 ~; y' m7 S1 D; Q[例]  The copy for the brochure needs some revision in wording.

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