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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析五十

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
direct cost (n.) production cost of a specific product直接成本
2 v8 |' [" \! V) D- C[例]  The direct cost of this product is too high. We cannot accept it.: U! E6 u. y9 F! J- ~
fixed costs costs which do not increase when production increases or decreases固定成本/ [! F: c4 g& c/ B
[例]  Fixed cost plus variable cost equals total cost.
3 z- j/ g" \; f% A indirect costs (n.) costs which are not directly attached to the production of an item间接成本) ~/ W& \8 B$ z& E" S# q
overhead costs (n. pl) day-to-day costs of running a business营业间接成本
: _: ?+ X( v  l' ` running costs costs of day-today management of a company日常经营成本: X8 P" t# c8 W! s
unit cost (n.) total labour, material and overhead costs to produce one unit单位成本
+ s8 s# \! D- G) ?" _7 r+ V& m2 m  C variable costs costs which increase or decrease as production changes 可变成本
$ C% b7 U* I9 h, F& c5 x cost-effective (adj.) which gives value划算的. Q4 ]3 ~# c! J6 }0 Z
[例]  The scheme is cost-effective.
" l( v6 P$ N- h8 Fcredentials [ kri5denFElz] (n.) evidence or testimonials concerning one's right to credit, confidence, or authority 证明(书): N. w0 w: u7 n- B1 R: c
[例]  academic credentials
, I" G, g$ j9 [8 ~: K$ c6 s% e[同义词]  certificate, diploma, licence
3 z0 Q5 m" n" B8 x2 a: z6 O- J credit [ 5kredit ] (n & adj) time given to a customer to pay赊账期限
: ]& n1 e: Y  G5 C# l1 K[例]  We normally give 3 months’ credit.
, w) }6 a2 \# K  c0 D$ p credit control system for checking that customers pay on time 信用控制
5 j5 t" i/ a. u  l6 a1 j letter of credit note from a bank allowing credit and promising to repay at a later date信用证
. U) L% K+ F# X credit limit maximum amount that a customer can owe信用额度限制# u, D' j4 T- u) s9 V
credit rating amount which a credit agency thinks a company/person should be allowed to borrow客户信贷分类
' ^5 K9 h4 ~; l+ \2 @  t5 }0 O creditor [ 5kreditE ] (n.) person who is owed money债权人
+ k% m! t( b3 L% o" Y credit-worth (adj.) considered a good risk to be allowed to buy goods on credit 信用好的( K; M/ v' E; u) j0 b( [3 O% K- A+ o( e
[例]  The credit-worth chart show the relationship between the credit and profit from it.. J6 A# X% v3 `: Y, {
creditworthiness (n.) ability to repay money borrowed信誉度
" n7 q, c! P+ B[例]  We should check your creditworthiness before we give you loans.

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