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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析五十八

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
deposit [ di5pCzit ] (n.) 1.money placed in a bank account存款
+ y* F4 O( {( W; u+ N[例]  Once your deposit in our bank exceeds 50,000 USD, the monthly 20 USD account maintenance fees will be exempted.2 I$ d2 o. _" u3 v  Q% X0 W
deposit account account earning interest有息存款,储蓄存款3 Q* B. E# p9 ~- g. F
[例]  We require 7 days’ notice of withdrawal on this deposit account.
2 E0 c1 D6 _8 ^2. money paid in advance in order to reserve a product押金: _; s+ P9 G: g5 w
depot [ 5depEu;  5di:pEu] (n.) warehouse仓库
+ s& m8 z% q3 `% r  `! b[例]  The goods are temporally stored in the depot near the port.
6 h* N5 O5 D/ \$ ]- ~; i: X depreciate[ di5praivEbl ] (v.) reduce the value of assets in the accounts over a certain time贬值
  r# K2 Q/ \+ o# Z: \[例]  We depreciate business equipment over 5 years.- Z) \" @5 J, L6 X5 i5 F
[同义词]  devalue, devaluate$ u! \2 q  T' _3 u+ |- {
depreciation [ di7pri:Fi5eiFEn ] (n.) reduction in the value of an asset贬值
3 x( l4 o6 P. x: y[同义词]  devaluation, deflation- ?* _" o, \3 A/ [$ I2 U( f
deregulate [di:re^jJleIt]  (v) to free an industry , an organization, etc from price control, especially by a government 撤消管制1 c7 k7 j  z! d% S
[例] to deregulate the food market
+ S0 w8 ~) g; g. k deskilling (n) the losing of skills by workers through unemployment , lack of training , etc.失去技能  V& K' }2 _1 }! q3 h
[例] The great depression caused many companies to lay off their workers which would result in deskilling of staff.

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