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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析六十

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
director [ di5rektE, dai5rektE ] (n.) person appointed by shareholders to help manage a company 主管,董事
3 c. r/ ]7 t/ G% ~4 A/ Y' L5 E managing director UK [US Chief Executive Officer] 执行总裁
! N2 K$ y" J8 X: J. B, M direct flight flight without transfer 直航
' O' x* a* ]1 Z direct mail (n.) selling a product by sending information through the post直接邮寄广告
, P. _6 d: X1 K4 [[例] We have to wait for 2 days if we send it by direct mail.
, i& @; L9 `; b  c0 a) X$ Q/ T) m direct selling (n.) selling directly to a customer without going through any middlemen直销
' I. X( T% b3 T2 h' ?[例] Direct selling can save a lot of money.1 k2 x. q3 W3 e+ h6 `
directory [ di5rektEri ] (n.) reference book containing listings目录 ( u2 L# Z/ N$ H4 h$ c' W9 y7 O
[例] a telephone directory, a trade directory
) z% J- G4 U9 S: _0 z& | discount [ 5diskaunt ]1. (n.) percentage reduction in a full price打折
, I& d" d; D8 g0 Z' ^: r[例]  You can have 5% discount as a VIP customer.$ V1 j2 z. `  y7 ]/ z
2. (v.) reduce the full price打折
1 K4 b& ]! g6 Z$ G8 E[同义词]  rebate9 l; ?1 c# n0 `- V
disintegration [ dis7inti5^reiFEn ](n) the breaking up of a company or group of companies 解散
# ^8 I& X# Y; K$ W: K[例]At last , the merger of these two big companies comes to disintegration.
; ]8 q2 s% E9 `5 t5 L2 \. D dismiss [ dis5mis ] (v.) remove from employment, sack (inf)解雇
' a5 F9 e8 ]" p, w9 G[例]  You are dismissed for your poor performance and bad working attitude.
7 _. e( z4 S+ m* m- `0 U[同义词]  discharge

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