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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析六十三

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
domestic [ dE5mestik ] (adj.) referring to the home market国内的3 d- f3 G) J0 E# {6 Z
[例]  Large domestic market encourages us to explore overseas markets.
1 V. k  t6 o* X+ N+ q- J: q[同义词]  internal
1 x( Y' {. Q& F+ @6 I% F dominant [ 5dCminEnt ] (adj.) most prominent as in position of market (市场)领导地位的2 u$ q6 c7 m/ H7 _9 W  N
[例]  In these newer markets the firm is dominant." a4 q% K; A. q  N
down payment a partial payment made at the time of purchase, with the balance to be paid later头期款购买时的部分付款0 |1 o% z0 H2 O* c" A
down market (n. adj & adv) cheap, low end of the market 低端市场(的)# v* V3 H, z9 q- A* l
down-time/downtime [ 5dauntaim ] (n.) time when factory machines are not producing停工期% F- h) y* a; b' P
[例]  The downtime of the machine is too long. We’d better call the technician to maintain it.$ F/ L' {; b: @( Y: u
downturn [`daJnt\:n] (n.) a tendency downward, especially in business or economic activity低迷时期
" {; U" w* a) F- Q# y[例]  There is a terrific downturn in retail sales six years ago.- P, U8 p  Q( ^& N4 P
DP (n.) (=Data Processing) the use of data by computers数据处理
/ e9 X8 {& n( E1 S/ m' K drawer [ 5drC:E ] (n) one that draws, especially one that draws an order for the payment of money 开票人2 H" N) v( ^7 t, U, q% _
[例]  The cheque was bounced to the drawer because there was not enough money in his account.; D( u8 x8 p" w  b. C) {$ [, L
drawee  [ drC:5i: ] (n)  the party on which an order for the payment of money is drawn受票人
7 F, E" j0 Z) ^  L[例] The drawee refused to accept the cheque because there was no signature in it.

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