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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析六十五

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
earnings [ 5E:niNz ] (n. pl) salaries, profits, dividends, interest received收入( W, Q8 Z6 N% L5 Y5 K2 h: A
[例]  The meager earnings can hardly make a living for me.
8 L9 @/ u8 a& {8 R economic [ 7i:kE5nCmik ] (adj.) 1. providing enough money, profitable赚钱的,有利润的7 K* F6 b6 P5 ^: {' J+ C, `
[例]  This project doesn’t make economic sense.
" c. v# D0 R8 P/ A2. referring to state of the national economy经济的, L* v6 q" v8 M+ k' \
[例]  There is an economic crisis.
0 |  [: N- u6 Y. J1 O/ Y' a* Q economic efficiency (n.) the ratio of outputs to inputs经济效益/ U, ^6 E4 J' \9 j" z
[例]  The economic efficiency is higher this year than last year.1 E7 _# ~# ~) `; p9 j8 v6 m1 o& t0 _
economic sanctions (n) measures taken to force a country to obey international law, by stopping or reducing trade with that country. 经济制裁* g2 O( r; ?7 j2 |
[例]  The UN decided to life the long-term economic sanctions on Iraq.9 C/ Q6 T3 N( M5 |2 i, m
economical [ 7i:kE5nCmikEl ] (adj.) money-saving节约的# O7 q! g$ F5 X1 Q4 `
[例]  an economical car 7 R$ e, _- ^/ O0 ]- g; b
[同义词]  thrifty
4 G" L- _5 n) l  u2 S economics [ 7i:kE5nCmiks, 7ekE- ] (n. pl) the study of macro and micro economics经济学9 n" O2 u6 \# V- x1 s. `/ R* @+ D7 `
economist [ i:5kCnEmist ] (n.) person who specializes in the study of economics经济学家5 s- n) a0 i5 h/ W: E4 |
economise [I`kCnEmaIz] (v.) save money by spending less节约
7 r& V1 I! L/ r economies (n. pl) savings积蓄
; b$ P" W& `3 T+ S! l2 o  G[例]  We need to introduce some economies.

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