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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析六十六

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
economy [ i(:)5kCnEmi ] (n.) financial organization of a country经济体制 0 K: a! J0 Z' K6 R5 e7 b
[例]  a free market economy ( o7 D& O1 Q1 |. m) N- ]
  " ~# O  \$ A: M% j/ V
economy class the cheapest class of a air travel经济舱  , y: I5 c/ q" C, M; y
) a" T) Q  Z8 Z6 O/ B3 c" ?economy of scale 规模经济
0 z- V: L) x3 f1 f) Q! t4 T  
! {$ N( e6 l$ W0 nedge [ edV ] (n.) advantage优势 ' d) a. a, m* C- p# s; {* d' W# a
[例]  a competitive edge
% w( E7 _( A# f# U* A7 G) v5 V  
$ X( }/ l1 z$ I/ G4 J# Geffective [ i5fektiv ] (adj.) able to produce the right results有效的,给人深刻印象的
& K3 }' v. ~) j4 A/ k' A[例]  The new pricelist will become effective from January. ;an effective resume 1 |( {* w6 |, g7 Y9 `; i( b) Z- f
[同义词]  efficient, effectual, efficacious
1 I: d& v$ L# f  
& L; i6 g5 w  A! g. ~( Pefficiency [ i5fiFEnsi ] (n.) ability to do the right thing效率
  ^- f  V$ T. S" Z+ ?' O[例]  This machine has a good efficiency.
, k( H4 s  q" y2 m2 K- B. X  
4 Y5 y& K6 U: M  _: t; c2 Aefficient [ i5fiFEnt ] (adj.) able to produce the right results quickly效率高的 6 |7 o; o: D; o8 }
[例]  The new type of machine is efficient to produce products. , o8 ?: R9 }! E
[同义词]  effective, effectual, efficacious 1 T: ]- D; S! ~% ?
  9 M7 b& ]2 W8 G; `# c% q
(be) eligible for qualified or entitled to be chosen有资格的  
; O' O+ g, d" P3 ?! d" Z' c2 c. U[例]  They are eligible for the grant from the government.
. n+ X( {9 R8 @$ b5 K& {6 u: ^  4 N5 p9 X3 e7 W0 s9 ^# n
embezzle[ im5bezl ] (v) to take (money, for example) for one’s own use in violation of a trust 挪用公款 ( }% u- m/ b, z9 i- l( D1 ^, D
[例]  The GM is charged with embezzling funds from the company’s account. " X- l8 M0 E- v2 N0 a/ l
  ; S0 ~3 f4 N- o) y5 r
employ [ im5plCi ] (v.) take on or use a person as a paid worker雇佣 9 W; r- t2 e8 w, Y
[例]  During the year we employed an average of 65. 7 v  L, H. t* O8 p! w" W2 W
[同义词]  engage, hire

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