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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析六十七

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
employee [ 7emplCi5i:, im5plCii ] (n.) person taken on as a paid worker雇员 5 h4 u+ s/ i( E$ I5 K; f9 A# g. N
[同义词]  worker - n# a( G/ B6 f3 b
! C& J6 `& a' }) xemployer [ im5plCiE ] (n.) person or organization that takes on paid workers雇主
/ X$ y! v- B  K4 k: t# q[同义词]  boss, director
5 t  t6 I. M# p9 p! U  
0 A- t. F# H1 n! `- Y( F" D& Kemployment [ im5plCimEnt ] (n.) work, job (s)工作
, l' O, `) i9 a" W7 Z  8 c8 B1 S. O$ u5 ?
enclose [ in5klEuz ](v) to put something in an envelop, usually as well as a letter 附寄
# s% X* q- I- y3 {- ^7 T- H[例]  Enclosed is the receipt for the order. / C6 [! c9 p: e4 R6 {7 H' _
! l1 Y% x, \$ y8 {endorse [ in5dC:s ] (v.) write one’s name on, to accept背书,认可
; o6 |3 d$ I1 L* R8 l[例]  Please cable us as soon as your application for import license has been endorsed.
# e  z* ~. O& x1 S" f% D9 Q9 i7 R8 ^1 K[同义词]  approve, sanction, ratify 7 g  G# B! W, F' s4 ?/ K6 k8 k
0 Q* B5 f1 n. {$ t! c" h- hendorsement [ in5dC:smEnt ] (n.) acceptance背书 % D3 F9 T. H) D
[例]  Our products have met with wide endorsement. 0 s6 J, W2 w- B0 T# L/ l% l
$ O( q$ P1 g6 W2 y. t& Iendow [ in5dau] (v) to provide with property, income, or a source of income 资助,捐赠 3 \4 L) x; g2 ?; p" a, J2 z+ K
[例] This research project is endowed by an international charity. $ D3 [- A2 j2 O  F" t8 m  [
  ; s+ o2 ~1 i: r3 Y! S" X0 n
enduser (n.) person who actually uses a product or service最终用户
1 j( s% u  E: u' r5 [[例]  We should carry on a survey among our product’s end users to collect the feedback. , M5 x5 D  E# {* q/ x
  4 E7 ]2 s7 c3 E+ L, L
engage [ in5^eidV ] (v.) to take a person on as a paid worker; employ雇佣 * W& \5 S3 V1 e. e! w! v& Q
[例]  Congratulations, Chris! Our company engages you.
$ g! d, Q" H5 C* A0 E9 _7 u* W9 c[同义词]  hire, employ, take on

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