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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析六十九

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
environment [ in5vaiErEnmEnt ] (n.) surroundings环境
( }- l8 K/ t2 l, ^! Z" ~[例]  To be classed as a work accident, the accident must take place in the work environment. 5 f# Z- R  ?& J
  0 |# ~# o$ `- p: A9 V
equity [ 5ekwiti ] (n.) right to receive dividends on the shares owned in a company普通股所有人利益
& G- g* D! Q2 R- ~. _# i# a4 O[例]  Assets plus liabilities equals owner’s equity.
$ v5 ]/ O/ ~0 v* Q% V" x2 \  ( ~# V& w2 F" i% N( f% H9 h* ^
equity capital amount of a company’s capital owned by the shareholders股本
1 J4 w; ^1 n, E3 |5 ~  L6 B[例]  The two main shareholders owned almost all the company’s equity capital.  4 p+ x& z0 k6 E1 S! v
  8 e  \7 x5 `; w* T( X  E3 l
equities ordinary shares普通股 " S* ^3 n, ^: w* R( a
[例]  How many equities have you got? 5 P/ S. R1 S0 O; K* h
    [& m1 H5 J* i7 T( J  T
ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) 企业资源计划
& B8 R! Z  M$ y6 g  
% m7 A6 A4 O' m+ _' n+ e. v8 eestimated demand (n.) rough or approximate calculations of demand估测需求量 % e6 x& ~" h$ I* S7 N' y
[例]  What about the estimated demand of portable computers in this city? " w: v" F# B9 l3 C" Z; C
  " B- V# z4 l! u0 }
ETA (estimated time of arrival)估计到达时间 ETA of our goods is 12th May.
4 Z/ a5 R4 l5 s0 v8 \3 Y* R  
$ o8 f# ]0 W; D, Sevaluate [ i5vAljueit ] (v.) calculate the value of something评估 & n! T0 l" i  W( w$ l9 A- @
[例]  The training and development manager plans, organizes and evaluates training programmes.
: {: t+ ~; q5 f/ r  + Q% ~. u  ^' k/ |9 x2 _( o* G
evaluation [ i7vAlju5eiFEn ] (n.) calculation of value评估 3 Q& |3 }' D* j  N& C5 E' w
& W6 f* V# I4 O+ texchange rate =rate of exchange  relation in value between kinds of money used in different countries汇率 : X% [9 w6 r2 D. X
[例]  What is the  exchange rate between US dollar and RMB?

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