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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析七十四

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
fine [ fain ] (n.) a sum of money required to be paid as a penalty for an offense 罚金 ) o: r1 v% w3 `, g  T
[例]  A system of fines should be introduced. % q% _+ [. V: f3 v$ m/ B# u
[同义词]  penalty
. n' }5 Y& U; ~  f' ]8 @$ Q finished goods (n. pl) product sold as completed制成品 6 B' h3 b$ O# S' u& d( v) G
[例]  Products sold as completed are finished goods. - P" V# Q' W, t1 a
firm [ fE:m ] (n.) business or partnership商号  , k, D" a' X! Z: i% v5 B" A9 X
fire [ 5faiE ] (v inf) send away from employment, sack解雇 7 z  @3 M: [8 b8 h* N6 m9 ^
[例]  Our employment record is good in the community as we hardly ever fire anyone.
6 \' f& Q# _4 \6 N/ e9 } first aid emergency treatment administered to an injured or sick person before professional medical care is available急救
" N2 `9 @" d1 i1 l. B' x# d[例]  Effective first aid system is very important to a workplace. 7 H3 M& ]' V. ]" M) B
9 j4 n- }4 u7 a8 @4 {firm  (adj)  (of price) steady or rising steadily 坚挺
* G, C+ L: e0 |0 @7 L) V[例] Gold shares remained firm today. . R& Y1 M) L/ {* L& K7 V( s% w
  9 m# K! f9 U2 m. ^0 v! A7 }
fiscal [ 5fiskEl ] (adj.) referring to tax财政的
# \% `5 {. m5 f- z7 ]  L8 N[例]  What about this year’s fiscal tax?
3 B9 Q( l6 B# v4 ], @# \  ! j. ~; V. c: N) @
fix [ fiks ] (v.) agree/set something决定 6 ~( g0 P* l% w' i% `
[例]  The price was fixed at $25.
% g- S: P) r- j( b  . P0 ^8 }2 ?& H0 u) V/ n
fixtures (n. pl) equipment in a factory that cannot be moved固定设备,工夹具
( X' t/ m8 J4 L! g0 R5 L) S9 z0 C[例]  Machines are fixtures of a factory.

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