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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析七十七

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
forge (v) to make an illegal copy of something伪造  
" y1 G, b! I) M8 [; i( Z; m  R/ _[例] The signature on the cheque was forged and was rejected by the bank.
' M! N: g9 Z3 y5 |  2 c# F4 I5 A% H: J2 A
forman (n) an experienced worker who supervises and directs other workers 领班,工头
7 R; c$ y8 @2 \1 d8 N" U[例]  He was promoted to factory foreman due to his excellent performance.
3 T/ s7 X* N6 ^; K' m# W  
& T0 I  o5 T: w5 v5 h& v0 z1 cformat [ 5fC:mAt, -mB:t ] (n.) layout 格式 9 V5 E  o/ Q8 Y0 E1 r" r( a
[例]  write in an accessible format 0 _4 Q7 Y' h- Y$ J9 F& X
2 I! T" n7 A9 X/ T# W. mforwarder (n) one that forwards, especially an agent that facilitates and assures the passage of received goods to their destination 货运代理商 , J7 K- _3 \2 Z+ C9 @% N
[例] The goods were handed over to the forwarder by the airline company. ) N' i- ?- H/ y+ h; F+ d  N
  & S  N) o/ U7 v7 [6 C9 ]
four P’s  PRODUCT, PRICE, PLACE, PROMOTION 4P 理论(麦卡锡提出) 6 S9 G5 x1 z8 e  B# q! }5 O
  ! B, M2 @) N8 \  k9 J, y
franchise [ 5frAntFaiz ]1. (n.) licence to sell under a brand name特许经营 1 c/ {$ Y& ~8 M8 E4 ]; E, e: A0 [
[例]  The small company has got the franchise to sell products of IBM.  2 T$ Z  c$ g  i' N8 B8 E, B
2. (v.) give a licence to someone特许经营
3 X; E, [' {' d1 r! _  : X" t: ~, u4 U1 p3 `' z8 m
franchisee [ 9frAntFaI`zi: ] (n.) person who pays a royalty for a franchise特许经营人 . d0 m( C, S) k
  7 R) l" r' p6 c) a4 B% i4 h
franchiser [ `frAntFaI`zE(r) ] (n.) person who receives the royalty特许 经营授予人
. h- h" p6 f5 n% O# ^  
# x! w  r+ f9 T8 xfraud [ frC:d ] (n.) making money by not telling the truth诈骗
' v7 o* G, D# x8 m" I  g[例]  He became rich through systematic fraud. ' v2 p2 x) v0 Y) ^2 s8 T0 \
[同义词]  deception, deceit, trickery
' r# R6 G) |: D) O  " P1 a& w% t! ?2 J
freebie [5fri:bI] (n. informal) a give-away, a free promotional product免费赠品 ) c, a( V3 q/ z& u1 {4 H
[例]  I got two freebies of the theater. Let’s go this evening.

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