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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析八十

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
goods [ ^udz ] (n.) products/items for sale货物 + X. A; [3 s1 K$ d9 i
& E' V  `* i9 R/ k; Y7 kgoodwill = integrity [^Jd5wIl] (n.) good reputation of a business/intangible asset connected to customer base, track record etc商誉,诚信 & ^& B2 \8 T; Y- R* a9 y" |* M3 j
[例]  Goodwill is some kind of very important invisible assets. 6 {& n! G) `  `" e1 F0 R4 O
  $ Y  i. a; ?/ M' x
go public (v.) to offer a company’s shares for sale on the stock market for the first time股票上市 ! ^9 V- ^2 h. F5 A
[例]  Our company’ shares will go public next month. * e9 n2 o; e& `% h$ J0 ~1 b: H
: K. ^7 C# v& v9 q& ~go-slow (n) working more slowly than usual as a protest 怠工
; }  P% d+ E4 _$ F3 C7 Q+ l[例] In order to ameliorate their working condition, the union organized a go-slow.
3 z3 f  K- t4 T7 K% q- A0 X  $ N3 y* x# B# s8 }3 }: {" f
grade [ ^reid ]1.(v.) divide into steps or levels分级
/ n. `! h3 [$ r* G  `! p' R[例]  We’ve graded the applicants according to our preferences. " N8 h% x2 i$ z* X  }% X3 G) q, j
2. (n.) level等级
6 R/ `  @0 I# f0 {% Z4 s2 u3 }2 Q7 J  ( Z2 j& i7 A; A! U  X2 v, P
grievance [ 5^ri:vEns ] (n.) complaint by worker to management牢骚
' z4 j9 T2 P/ E9 X[例]  Many workers show grievance to their boss. # u4 e: ]: p' y/ q, }
[同义词]  grumble, complaint
$ C  H, `9 O/ _1 |9 t  
9 b" M7 k7 K2 p3 _3 v# Kgross [ ^rEus ] (adj.) total, with no reductions总的
; F, a4 w/ \' ?$ l: r# E  C[例]  Gross profit is sales minus direct costs. 3 `+ P. g$ Y: m6 N
4 g) Z1 i/ Q: m0 b) b$ I! V+ a$ R( vgross margin percentage difference between sales and direct cost of sales毛利率   f& u: f, p5 q- M8 k0 T
( V: R% y& ^. O; E* s8 zgross profit profit calculated as sales less direct cost of sales毛利 7 r5 J' u. G& @* U+ T7 L
( q) J. B5 d: {4 agroup [ ^ru:p ] (n.) several companies joined together集团 4 {1 S" }4 A& z" F/ ~0 h' R
[例]  The group profits were down in the last year.
( k7 y4 a8 `# j7 s! j) J  
0 A& M$ N. o" {growth [ ^rEuW ] (n.) increase in size增长 " j% P. v1 j5 D$ [4 Y. W
* a9 \6 p  t/ b# K8 oguarantee [7^ArEn5ti:]1. (n.) a promise or an assurance, especially one given in writing, that attests to the quality or durability of a product or service(质量) 保证书
* G, q1 j! T* G/ D, G- @[例]  The new television had a guarantee with it. & ~7 p8 o  s5 X  u0 s' W
[同义词]  warranty, guaranty
6 I% q# L- L& J1 s- w% f: y: _2.(v)to assume responsibility for the quality or performance of承担(品质)保证[例]  Each item is unconditionally guaranteed for 6 months.
# v% W, i4 Y8 E" K9 z[同义词]  warrant, certify, pledge

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