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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析八十一

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
guidance [ 5^aidEns ] (n.) the act or process of guiding指导  5 ?1 S. Q! o& c2 p' E: H" {8 q
[例]  guidance in designing
5 d. i5 |; z: E$ {+ A7 G* r0 x' M9 k[同义词]  direction, instruction
8 n# h/ N% [# [7 v$ E  : _0 v. ]; L, m" V
guidelines (n. pl) suggestions about how to do something指南,方针
4 |8 t4 _! q. P" R4 R" F[例]  We have read the guidelines and feel that they are acceptable.
* T; V4 b! `+ u+ n  U  7 g0 k" q3 `+ |1 q( i( [
guru [ 5^uru: ] (n.) a recognized leader in a field(行业)领袖,巨头   
4 Q0 C$ F1 A0 H5 Q* a. j[例]  Bill Gates is the guru in the IT world. 6 n9 X4 k3 J. V6 j, Z0 Y
  : a/ M2 ~- L* o( Y8 U
  - G; p& ]/ ?" n/ V
haggle (v) to bargain, as over the price of something讨价还价 % ?' R2 M7 S2 t- L' U, U6 {
[例] He preferred to be overcharged than to haggle. ) r9 I$ e0 H5 S6 ]
4 G: I- @# F. C5 L9 D/ S4 T6 [hand (n.): in hand现有  ready ' b# T) Y! m$ ^- s. N8 U+ H- w1 o
[例]  Cash in hand is kept in reserve for daily expenses. 6 Q% a6 F! P* d3 j8 t, [
2 H9 e$ p+ `) d- L7 ehandbook [ 5hAnd7buk ] (n.) a concise manual or reference book providing specific information or instruction about a subject or place手册
" B6 W1 \2 L. W+ D6 C6 U  
3 u* i" ~' [: S6 Z& E  D$ s: Chand in (v.) deliver by hand交上
3 h, N% Y: X  I$ j  
7 u0 ?: b( {* s; h/ phand in one’s notice (v.) resign辞职 4 Q) ]0 L* {1 G; R$ \% h
[例]  I’ve heard that three more employees are going to hand in their notice in May. " E1 l7 N# h* K9 `/ z
: z6 x. T4 q6 Rhandle [ 5hAndl ] (v.) deal with something处理
& Q) a3 ~& u0 X7 f1 v4 ]5 W[例]  We can easily handle more business.
0 E+ T% Z$ C* l6 \3 f' Y! E* t  ' v4 C' k6 o, ?1 m
hands -on (adj.) by direct experience亲身经历的 8 o8 B2 P- c9 i' \
[例]  He judged it by hands-on experience.
! b- f. m: V3 \0 O% a  / x2 o3 m! }: x: [/ [/ o5 ^6 y
hard sell (n.) aggressive selling强行推销
. v, X$ g5 }6 J7 B* u) y[例]  Hard sell is unfair to consumers.
; E( ]- s, y% I+ d9 i' d  " R! p1 J% `8 k& s3 v$ Q4 T
haulage [5hC:lidV ](n) the act or process of hauling 拖运
9 |+ s( A3 A0 V[例]a haulage company

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