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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析八十三

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
hire [ 5haiE ] (v.) take on a paid worker, employ雇佣 + v& Q3 B/ D0 b9 u
[例]  Make sure you hire people with the aptitude and potential to do the job. 8 x& d! e1 q2 [, \# ]7 k3 Q9 v, E. e
hire purchase (n.) method of buying something by paying over an extended period分期付款购买.
0 g, |/ x& H, I% }' m+ Y, Q  
% u! S1 C, ^' N9 U" Ohit [ hit ] (v.) reach a target实现目标 1 I* T) {4 N4 D7 n/ V1 y6 O' a& Q
[例]  We hit the target audience. % k) l4 N% i4 e) E/ {. [8 o* K
[同义词]  reach, attain, achieve
# x  q# T1 h1 C  
  a6 g6 O8 S  ghold [ hEuld ] (v.) own拥有
1 }6 D( C) T. i! o) ^[例]  The chairman holds 45% of the shares.
6 E2 S1 n: ~6 m. W" s( D  5 T8 |" o4 u& K7 p& n
holder [ 5hEuldE ] (n.) person who owns something持有者
2 b( w( Y+ i8 [/ w( w9 ~1 R[例]  holders of shares in the company ( K: u6 i! G3 V& d; B* R
  : d- x' A1 a: H( |# r7 E. W6 q$ h# ~
holding company (n.) company which acts only as a legal entity for owning shares in subsidiary companies控股公司 & X' J% K5 Q- O7 ?+ ^: `
[例]  The infeasible decision made by the holding company led to great loss of its subsidiary companies.
% g9 l% n: D% E( w7 s  
" Y: E+ {& {% e9 Y% S) zhostile [ 5hCstail ] (adj.) unfriendly敌视的 5 r. W+ l3 e/ K- C: E9 J$ b% B
[例]  a hostile takeover bid
  T1 [& d$ j# Q# X[同义词]  opposed, contrary, antagonistic " S  a$ q, t  t/ ?. r
  . d& B7 l# T! N/ ~
HRD (n.) (=Human Resources Development) activities to develop the organisation’s workforce人力资源开发 4 X7 Y5 h: R& W, r7 M
  9 V, r% E  U8 d1 ^% c6 A+ W! }
human resources (n.) workforce of an organization人力资源 7 a  E5 Z7 @/ P  p7 O8 E
[例]  Human resources management can also reflect the company culture.

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