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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析八十五

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
increment [ 5inkrimEnt ] (n.) a regular increase 增加
! w. E" _: I. V0 {2 T6 ?: T[例]  The demand is on the increment. ( b7 Q) o4 Q# k
[同义词]  increase, addition & i) j1 _/ K0 s. G
  8 o& Z6 p& s0 N1 P9 [
incur[ in5kE: ] (v.) become liable for, have to pay招致 & Z1 L) G: S) @" n
[例]  We have incurred heavy debts. ' v4 @$ h* b7 L% X3 I- j: B
; \7 Z& _! m8 l/ m4 _- ?9 kindemnity [ in5demniti ] (n.) a promise to compensate for damage or loss 补偿,赔偿
; |: R; o# o3 `4 r8 I9 K, p: Q- O[例]  This would involve an indemnity of &1,000.
. W$ d" S& H  i- v, F# D- t[同义词]  compensation, insurance : n) _  f4 s* I& V+ H
9 n2 _7 B$ P2 F( @index [ 5indeks ] (n.) statistical figure showing relative increase or decrease指数
9 B' b# }8 F7 ?& S' R% ]6 t" @    q. {# J$ ]7 c& }; r+ Y
retail price index indicator of the rate of inflation零售价格指数 + y( J" `- W; O9 }6 |4 e$ X
  , g) y! W% Z! g; z$ D/ O& e
indicator [ 5indikeitE ] (n.) something which is significant指标 ! M0 i; \$ c- c2 v  \
[例]   A key indicator is the inflation rate.
) C* v, W3 w4 x- d6 i& w% P  q. i  
" J8 N( M7 m. G4 a' kindustrial [ in5dQstriEl ] (adj.) referring to manufacturing work实业的
1 s+ h/ _4 {: K8 L7 E% y4 D[例]  Industrial marketing is very different from consumer marketing.
& F5 X5 q* ?0 `6 G; q/ @, m  5 X8 H8 |/ @) s) F8 }
industrial action (n.) strike(罢工等)劳工行动 0 _6 e* c* t5 E5 d
  6 D3 J+ c- t: @2 O; k% k% b( b
industrial relations (n.) relations between management and workers劳资关系 " w5 s. H$ C5 b! I! w
  3 ^. V4 I1 g7 t3 ^5 n; ]
inefficiency [ 7ini5fiFEnsi ] (n.) inability to produce good results quickly无效率 7 h- |- M6 |5 h5 a
[例]  A third problem area is the organizational stress and inefficiency usually associated with conflict.

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