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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析八十九

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
introduce [ 7intrE5dju:s ]1.(v.) launch投放(市场)
7 T: J: Z7 F  N, x. o) ~[例]  introduce a product on the market
/ Q- k0 k) K4 k4 `+ ] 2.(v)To present (someone) by name to another in order to establish an acquaintance.引见 3 w! k% ?# k4 |# |5 D& [
[例]  He introduced his friend to me.
  B3 q, t( r! n" P( Y% u0 {  ! F1 ?) w/ K0 a9 {4 \! [
introduction [ 7intrE5dQkFEn ]1.(n.) activity of introducing new employees into the company引见 . o, m$ O3 w" }* Q9 r' V, }
[例]  The induction of new employees into their jobs strengthen the company.
. Z2 y# D; V" ~: }( i$ ~2 (n.)launch of a product产品投放市场 # k, v  L: D' V6 C
; J% M2 Z0 m/ t  k. `industrial action (n.) strike罢工 # G1 Y* j2 u" k* C" C
[例]  They held several industrial actions for not being paid wages.    s% R9 B& w7 H1 E
& ?. ]3 Y) |; t% Xinvalid (adj) not legally or factually valid无效的
# z5 |9 V" D3 _[例] an invalid driver’s licence  
, W" u0 M4 t. K[同义词] null / P6 y* P0 ^( _) E2 A" a
, a; Z5 \6 c3 D( C# Tinventory [ 5invEntri ] (n.) items held in stock, work-in-progress and finished items,stock存货 2 M( z: }4 r/ ^' x0 N8 N" y3 z
[例]  Inventories of last year are stocked in that warehouse.
% O& G* r& Y" _9 ~1 Rbuffer inventory (n.) inventory to protect against unpredictable variations in demand or supply time 缓冲存货 : M+ w/ f  K$ Z1 s: Q
capacity inventory (n.) inventory to store ,present capacity for future use库存能力 4 _* k5 H) \, m- a+ T& z# l, @4 h1 o
. H& K7 X& B: Z' F; s8 E+ a3 @: _' [cycle inventory (n.) that part of the stock which goes down with use and is then replaced with new stock as orders are received循环盘存
' b  Q( u- N8 N, N4 P  & @3 e1 l6 e6 `2 z1 u
finished goods inventory (n.) stock of products ready for sale制成品库存 6 s( m  D# X) \6 }% l# z# ~
4 v8 s) O$ u: @, ?- f: ^# H5 L0 `) Traw materials inventory (n.) stock of items to be used in the conversion process原材料库存
9 k7 M' {* O. j- o0 K  
1 C" X+ r% |3 v  k! ]( @work-in-progress inventory (n.) stock of items in various stages of conversion 8 p$ p( p5 N, r; f9 @. U% i. h3 U
4 o5 ]3 @2 Y. Y- n' f& yinvest [ in5vest ] (v.) put money into a bank, a building society or shares in order to earn interest投资 . Z6 r1 k4 z+ y
[例]  To invest in the stock market, you should be very prudent and cautious.
# |: c' H; h5 z! q    J. o. h# S; K" T$ E8 w" A
investment [ in5vestmEnt ] (n.) money invested投资

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