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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析八十八

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
insure [ in5FuE ] (v.) protect against loss, injury or death by paying a sum of money投保 ' N/ |2 w4 |9 u. Q
[例]  insure one’s house against fire
, ?( T& Z' x4 F[同义词]  guarantee, warrant ( O* x7 |4 q% _" d1 K7 S- l. F
    `& e3 x# P+ r6 C# Q# _! ~" o
insurance [ in5FuErEns ] (n.) protection against loss, damage, injury or death by paying a sum of money保险 0 W2 m- U: G% W, E. c5 d
[例]  In modern society, the concept of insurance is widely accepted and many people will pay a lot for their insurance annually.
& k+ r  S) C+ S7 M0 T/ D  
" `; K1 l( o( {8 w6 i2 n, P; r: einteractive [ 7intEr5Aktiv ] (adj.) acting or capable of acting on each other互动式的  4 v+ c4 H, _' O" c& m! x) v
[例]  an interactive training
8 j9 b  b; l3 Z6 n" c% b  
2 {4 r! t* D: kinterest [ 5intrist ] (n.) a percentage of the capital paid by a borrower to a lender利息 6 s7 _$ v' {' R& r, m! U
[例]  As the borrower company is full of potentials, so the interest for lending money to it is highly secured.
, V9 `  @" D: c& q  
0 {1 w: K$ o) L* f4 Zinterest rate (n.) percentage charge to be paid on money borrowed利率 5 }9 `% z! p( S" V4 z. S
  4 s9 h5 h5 `, X/ b) p
interim [ 5intErim ] (n.) half or part of the total period中期的 . c* ?7 ~: b9 a* u8 N
[例]  the interim report (6-monthly)
5 X0 v7 f* p# x1 A% T: o  
6 S: Z$ U6 o. S$ xinterior decoration 内部装潢 1 z7 B! ~! d/ k& c. T" E
  5 y2 {1 }% ^7 w
interview [ 5intEvju: ]1.(n.) meeting to decide if a person is suitable for a job面试 $ J: |8 Y6 _: a/ `/ ^2 P2 `
[例]  Before closing a job interview it is useful for the interviewer to summarise the key points an issues. & f9 a0 A$ _, i
2. (v.) talk to a person applying for a job面试
. f/ w! K3 c9 I& _0 [3 {  1 x" n% G8 T3 {7 J2 b/ c; p
interviewee [ intEvju:5i: ] (n.) person who is interviewed被面试者
+ C  y6 _( Y; F3 E' f9 @  8 c) s7 N$ I: p
interviewer [`IntEvjU:E(r)] (n.) person who leads the interview面试官 % U, m) P" B1 M( ~6 l1 Q
[例]  In practice the interviewer should greet the candidate by name, and introduce himself.

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