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[综合辅导] 2012国际商务师考试辅导:商务书信三

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Alternative phrases替代用語 ! W! R) b$ t1 f# I: H6 t) L* v8 Z
We have learned from Smith and Company of Birmingham that you manufacture a range of high-fashion handbags in a variety of leathers.
9 v+ c, ^! M2 k8 Q. H/ |/ N(I have been told by/I have heard from…)
. `, `1 z/ S, Z) k4 t(…handbags in several different leathers…)
$ D' w0 b# b- f: q7 r% Y& zWe operate a quality retail business and although our sales volume is not large , we obtain high prices for our goods.
/ Z0 b& w- j7 a, A* Q8 @6 a7 n0 P: }: L" v, x7 ~" L( q
Would you please send me a copy of your handbag catalogue with details of your prices and payment terms?
2 h# j# l8 n3 P
" ~- E. W  E* ?1 ^5 h3 g- PWe would find it most helpful if you could also supply samples of the various skins from which the handbags are made.
" v8 R6 I+ A, }) p3 O(It would be very helpful if…)
- v2 k, @+ ~1 p- Z7 c( ^(…from which you make the handbags.) 中华考试网1 ]# h# ?: v4 g  c1 v+ L+ n" l0 i
============================================ $ x# a) T* W% N4 W6 m2 n
Comments 評注 0 h2 s2 N" Y& x# ]3 y
The enquiry is brief and to the point, telling the reader exactly what the enquiry is about. It requests the usual free literature and politely asks for an additional item: samples.
- x  m* G2 M9 S4 |+ x; {這封信簡明扼要,讓收信人確切清楚查詢內容.先要求索取贈閱目錄,再禮貌地要求提供樣本
" ]1 r& d% ^8 j% G9 i5 A7 y; n(2) Reply to a first enquiry % q8 ?7 Y/ k4 y3 z" y
Dear Ms Jones,
2 I& ?7 `* l- W, H) G) t
/ K! N. V" G+ `" ZThank you for your enquiry of 16 July. We are pleased to hear that you are interested in our products.
6 X8 X! p) d: g! {2 k" b3 {9 d( \$ I) B/ U: v
We are sending you a copy of our latest catalogue under separate cover, together with samples of some of the skins we regularly use in the manufacture of our products. 6 i- j+ ?8 [$ Z& z# G
, E" |! r8 F% _8 X* U4 u3 v0 C+ f$ e
I regret to say that we can not send you the full range of samples. You can be assured , however, that such skins as crocodile and ostrich, not include in the watch, are of the same high quality. 7 v5 E: J4 P0 ]7 D) r  _4 [) ?

9 v! T$ ?  j4 @7 p7 M9 QMrs Angela Wane, our European Sales Manager, will be in the UK next month and will be pleased to call on you. She will have with her a wide range of our products. When you see them, we think that you will agree that only the best quality materials are used, and that the high standard of workmanship will appeal to the most discriminating buyer. ; [- s3 T4 k8 d

9 l3 B/ b8 @* m% u' WWe also manufacture a wide range of leather belts and gloves in which you may be interested. They are fully illustrated in our catalogue and are of the same high quality as our handbags. Mrs Wane will be able to show you examples when she calls.
. }% @- f. o  [" ~( v$ u2 z. ]3 M/ \3 U: }8 z: q
We look forward to receiving an order from you. 8 |! n0 E3 y( A; \, N/ a

/ W6 w5 _. S5 v- yYours sincerely,   n1 [: ^; C9 F0 V" h. o7 F  C
Damien Carr ' N. {0 ~" w4 k' |
Marketing Vice-President
4 ~: ~) _+ j& V9 `4 A9 U======================

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