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[综合辅导] 2012国际商务师考试辅导:商务书信二

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Useful phrases
: d8 Z8 ]( K# ]" k: r1.We have learned from … that you
2 z9 a9 m; L$ U+ @從…獲悉貴公司…
- D* l: S9 w3 D9 d3 u2.We operate a quality retail business
0 y+ H8 ~8 ~* p4 S1 ?  _本公司經營高檔零售業務 7 b( h+ z/ D, Z
3.Would you please send me a copy of your handbag catalogue 1 j4 y! o6 F( B! c9 q: l& }7 [: s
& X) W5 D) ?2 x+ \8 A4.We would find it most helpful if you could also supply samples of
1 G) b( H# J6 @+ H. Y  W  G7 `如蒙提供各類…樣本,不勝感激
- U& j0 l. F( _9 z; Z=======================================
$ S/ v8 l  n5 D- Y( E0 YNotes段意解說
# U% `1 ^+ h" }2 A1.Say how you obtained the company’s address and indicate what you are interested in. ! h9 Y% N4 v( m, c4 o# B
各知如何取得收信人地址及發信原因.   H2 O0 D. m9 q4 x- P
2.Introduce yourself and describe your field of activity.
, w2 a" l: g: p! q! k8 g自我介紹有關經營的業務範圍 % h! \+ S# {3 W) Q8 v
3.Make your main request. 3 F4 t/ [- C$ ^5 f# Y
  `* ], g: ~, n9 Q9 b* G1 U4.The second request is going to cost the company more. Make it tactfully.
) ]. v1 D" p! l- ^5 K. _& g第二個請求花費較大,需要得體地提出.

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