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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析九十

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
invoice 1.(n.) note requesting payment发票  
( Q5 ?9 C% i- p, P[例]  Your expenses during business trip in HK can be reimbursed by the company but you should keep the consumption invoice. 9 V' V7 g6 j3 ]
[同义词]  bill
" f* p, Y3 t3 g  a2. (v.) send an invoice to someone 开发票
7 {) F" l! }3 k7 \! z  
& Y& A; k* s" N' |5 f; `irrevocable [ i5revEkEbl ] (adj.) which cannot be changed不可撤消的 2 |5 h4 T) t/ |6 p* y
[例]  The contract that has been signed is irrevocable.
! A( J7 U- k; M3 P6 @ [同义词]  irreversible, unalterable, unchangeable / \) Z# p9 n/ S3 ]
  # X' x3 \& v, Z5 E, C
issue [ 5isju: ] (n.) giving out shares发行(股票) ! j2 W/ a( [' `* S/ x
[例]  government issue of new bonds
  Z4 F' b! v+ l  J( f[同义词]  deliver, give out, distribute
# p1 Q: x5 s. D( K  * c1 {; y; V# R9 G  E6 d
rights issue (n.) giving shareholders the right to buy new shares at a lower price增股 , I9 q5 n2 K+ {2 ^
[例]  We have arranged with our bankers to issue an L/C in your favour. $ |, L* ^! l4 A* T! ]
  / v1 i2 I+ z0 V! I& U  V0 q& u
IT (n.) (=Information Technology) 信息技术
/ S$ d( w  R4 J7 o  
: o  e' I6 Q- s9 B& @* ~6 ?item [ 5aitem, 5aitEm ] (n.) 1. an object for sale商品 8 E# v( x, [4 X5 ]+ N
[例]  This item is out of stock.  9 Y9 E/ e7 ^, l) [5 z6 C
2. piece of information一条(信息) - u* @! e4 M# N( P$ A
[例]  items on the balance sheet 7 X( ~& R& r5 A- b
  $ b- X' X! Z* g6 A
itinerary [ ai5tinErEri, i5t- ] (n.) a guidebook for travelers旅行指南  ) ^; V' W+ T9 Y0 ~
[例]  Please kindly refer to our itinerary for your trip.

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