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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析九十二

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
joint [ dVCint ] (adj.) combined, shared between two or more parties合办的 $ ?# y- ~. M0 d0 q2 ?
[例]  Since 1980’s, more and more joint ventures have established in China which employed millions of local intellects. ; q! N: ?& q& D$ L; i
[同义词]  combined, united, joined
9 D- }* t* w- i  9 h9 ~! L; P) S. U- N: c+ W5 I. x7 R
joint bank account bank account of two or more people共同银行帐户
2 [# E8 b' B! g9 u[例]  The couple opened a joint bank account.
3 X, s* ]& Y, h8 U6 u8 R  : ?0 r- I. ?2 [& z& b) x* o
joint venture (n.) agreement between two or more companies to cooperate in a large business project合资
3 t9 p4 q, H7 ^9 l4 t, j[例]  It belongs to a joint venture company. , U* s; C' f5 j! t" o
  8 u  M9 ?: H2 R
journal [ 5dVE:nl ] (n.) professional magazine期刊 ' q9 t# i  [5 N# A
[例]  3 years’ reading of economical journal benefits me a lot.
4 g( O  ]) o" z1 o[同义词]  periodical
! g( w2 l: D! t  
* l, Y& V$ O  P: f+ Q8 j' ]jump (v) (of amounts, prices, values ) to move suddenly upward暴涨  
: z  x4 }' j. Z1 M[例] In that inflation, prices of most commodities jumped.
- M( X% e& v8 \3 ?5 N( v  
+ Z  w' [4 f8 w2 Q" o6 Hjunk bonds (n.pl) bonds raised as debentures against the security of a company about to be taken over后保债券 2 l1 p2 u+ i7 u2 o" P. [
  " D* X! p, v/ I' D
junk mail (n.) direct mail advertising which is unrequested and unwanted邮寄宣传品(通常为人们不需要的)
' g9 `3 P  f; V/ k. e. }' N[例]  This is a junk mail that cannot be delivered properly.

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