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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析九十一

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
jargon [ 5dVB:^En ] (n.) the specialized or technical language of a trade, profession, or similar group行话,术语
3 G/ D  K. v4 {! L4 M[例]  business jargon / ^" @% \* @! ]* {
[同义词]  lingo 7 V0 J( X3 f2 ?( }: f
4 Y2 c  y) A) ^6 ?; @jet lag delayed physical effects of tiredness, etc felt after a long flight by plane 飞机时差反应 $ M4 R9 X' B# C0 k( y  a4 U
  ! ^$ q6 f, @, ^; A) b4 H9 k3 A
jobbing [ 5dVCbiN ] (n.) system of production for one-off or small orders 做零活的 * U. @) J2 O2 w8 e9 h
[例]  He is now acting as a jobbing printer. 0 z$ S! R$ ?) L+ z9 R' o) v
. ?8 E3 H5 ~" _; B0 x3 ~job description written statement of what the job holder actually does, how he or she does it, and under what conditions the job is performed职位描述
9 P. i2 |1 n6 \- T6 N3 G  2 L9 {2 [# X4 O  f" s+ f5 Y8 j* Q
job lot (n.) small number of a particular part or product that is produced at one time货品(整批的)
! j  {, M5 H$ v2 a* k" x[例]  How many are the job lot produced this time?
. X) g* u2 F# }  
2 Y4 J+ I0 q" ]' ?3 Kjob mobility ability to move from one place to another to take up or perform a job工作机动性,工作变动 9 C  U. b- V# \) I
[例]  Several days ago she got a job mobility from AVON to LOREAL. + Y7 [6 }3 V3 D
  8 Z% O" C4 g# j9 O/ H1 _
job rotation movement between departments within an organization岗位轮换 . I7 g6 D2 c% A8 n
[例]  Job rotation aims to familiarize the trainees with the problems of each department. & B; m+ L: m& s" z/ u- C
  . y! ?& t/ f. h1 S
job satisfaction feeling of contentment from doing a job well工作满意度 ( }8 m5 y6 }. K; q
[例]  In pursuing mass media, I get a full job satisfaction. 3 r- O/ _1 t# O! W0 D
+ u- [- x/ k; e/ v5 \- `job shop (n.) department or workshop organized around a particular piece of equipment or a particular operation加工车间
9 w7 ?+ n' ?, m' d0 d5 }/ }3 L[例]  You should have done it in that job shop.

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