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[综合辅导] 2012国际商务师考试辅导:商务书信十四

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Alternative phrases
4 `8 e0 I" ]1 e0 Q& W) L8 \, h7 _8 `$ K' H
We refer to your telex of 12 August and ours of today regarding the supply of black silk. # |. s7 e+ V5 v' V; |
(With reference to…)
1 f8 e, `- R! U* H2 n9 zAs you perhaps know, demand for the above has been heavy since last year. We are consequently fully committed at the moment and are unable to make you the offer as requested. 8 S6 p5 K9 G0 U% i- Z3 o( A3 k
(You may know that …) - m$ L" P. }1 J3 E( n
(As a result, we are…) 0 w* |9 p& u. N0 A
(…we can not make you an offer…)
& J1 Y, U0 B- ?7 g4 Y) Q( oWe assure you , however , that we shall contact you as soon as fresh supplies become available. Should your customers require other silks, please let us know. , `1 y$ w) ?* z, W+ Y
(You can be sure that…) 9 A7 @3 a2 ~. h  U0 z
(If your custo9mers…)
* D5 ^- K! @, e3 Z(…please contact us.) $ H0 }# p0 K0 t. ~6 {
============================================ 6 }5 i: S- v) t; w2 c3 [
9 i( G  [) s# E5 F/ m: Y! Z* YThis letter briefly explain why goods are not available, keeps the enquiry open, and tries to sell other goods which are available.   j) g3 Q, m+ _- O/ q  Q; X
, n4 t  I# N+ s8 r  i$ A7 I  u( ]- p5 h
(9)Declining an order
; J2 O+ s9 J+ G/ M  ~0 k, hDear Sirs, ' C0 ^0 p5 x" r
Thank you for your order no. 488 for tin plate sheets which we received today.
2 ]7 y( C' H1 N* B- t  D- M* ^0 Q" i# s9 W2 J4 ]8 p# V( ?
We regret that, owing to a shortage of stocks we are unable to fill your order.
% M: D) ~5 j* k0 s9 A. o( T$ w0 A% f9 b) I6 [$ ?, I- W# a
Moreover, our manufacturers can not undertake to entertain your order for future delivery owing to the uncertain availability of raw materials. We will, however, contact you by telex once supply improves. : S8 k$ g1 [  ?  N

+ k3 r% U* e& m: \  \In the meantime, please feel free to send us your specific enquires for other types of metal sheets. You can be assure of our best attention at all times. # j" G+ J8 \, c9 n

- i0 U/ n3 W% {  Q+ d+ j& ^Yours faithfully, " v& H, l( h$ y) i7 {: v
Margaret Brown
$ H' V: n) U5 T" YExport Manager ; k) R9 p  Q# W( ]2 H4 o
) T: ^" {% I, }Declining an order
8 ?3 e! x# T& l# K% o+ F拒絕接受訂貨
; `1 k7 p! B" }* NDear Sirs,
# G4 A! |9 u- k1 i: m/ ~# @* a執事先生, 8 M& F* @% q/ P
Thank you for your order no. 488 for tin plate sheets which we received today.
4 S5 }: T/ l5 @今天收到貴公司4 5 8 號鍍錫薄板的定單.
4 L2 I. f$ R8 A& o3 V' OWe regret that, owing to a shortage of stocks we are unable to fill your order.
* l7 i. `) T& V4 G& d' x, E因為存貨短缺,未能供應貴公司所需貨品,特此致歉.
' r6 F- i8 |5 n0 a* o; eMoreover, our manufacturers can not undertake to entertain your order for future delivery owing to the uncertain availability of raw materials. We will, however, contact you by telex once supply improves.
0 B+ l5 J1 U% f$ O" x' P此外,制造商尚未確定原料供應是否充足,所以不能接受其他定單.一旦供應情況改善,我們將電傳通知貴公司. " s' |5 a/ n) m' D0 Q/ S
In the meantime, please feel free to send us your specific enquires for other types of metal sheets. You can be assure of our best attention at all times. + S0 ~5 p$ v" \# o( F
3 f7 N& H* \- I2 G6 Q( ^, oYours faithfully,
. Q' `# |1 C# M. v8 U5 g, x, J- RMargaret Brown
# _' _4 B- {6 {) H- cExport Manager 9 w, `, X/ b' t5 Y( @8 H

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