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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析九十七

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
legislation [ 7ledVis5leiFEn ] (n.) law法规 1 f8 p9 K$ R* ^
[例]  All the citizens have to comply with the legislation. * F" U4 f" ~2 N9 H0 O  }1 u+ M
& ]1 w6 j9 m1 {& Z: ^8 S5 rleisure industry sectors providing entertainment service娱乐产业
2 j& v2 Q7 D& I/ [  ' ]8 k3 x6 C  ^6 }/ q# X
lender [ 5lendE ] (n.) person who lend money贷方
8 Q& Q! O: z% @8 a$ t; Z  , t5 F! o& G' c8 J; F9 i5 A
lessee [ le5si: ] (n.) person who pays for a lease承租人 ! B3 p  x' U5 h0 L
[例]  For the lessee, a lease agreement permits repaid replacement of obsolete equipment.
1 Q5 |& Y5 y* Y# v. U[同义词]  tenant
- V3 J4 h) p2 e! [9 W  
5 Q/ \' V) x& }! ]" s( dlessor [ le5sC: ] (n.) person who receives money for a lease出租人 5 W: A, x; t! D
[例]  The lessor and the lessee hereby agree to enter into this contract under the following terms and conditions. 3 _3 i8 h" F) V- q3 O2 \9 L
[同义词]  landlord, landlady 5 _" a, R2 d. J# ~3 J" _0 h! Z
  ' m- r2 k3 g2 F3 t2 F0 W: ]; D
let (v) to allow someone to use a house, a room, an office, etc in return for payment of rent 出租
- _6 }* |. `8 }% o$ q6 N[例] In order to reduce our overhead, we will let parts of our office space in the city center.  
  ?- S0 x/ R0 A/ u- L; \[同义词] lease, rent
) L& B) M) l5 {( T$ F2 W- n: [8 ?  
9 M$ f9 c  L% M* s8 P: {' gletterhead [5letEhed] (n.) name and address of a company printed on correspondence paper信头 ; n# h: l2 u+ m% i% S5 J
[例]  You can write back to me referring to the letterhead.
1 ^! s- N- e: N1 x' r  
" D, y; B2 z. Y4 ~4 ?+ }" C0 c* cleverage [ 5li:vEridV ] (n.) also financial leverage  the degree to which an investor or business is utilizing borrowed money财务杠杆 & p( ~( ?9 w& F% i& Z" n1 y/ q/ J
[例]  Companies that are highly leveraged may be at risk of bankruptcy if they are unable to make payments on their debt; they may also be unable to find new lenders in the future.
& {( u$ c- k7 F  b0 \" m  2 j/ c) C9 ~- F4 ~1 S
liability [ 7laiE5biliti ] (n.) legal obligation责任 : Q- f( }9 u9 `& u
[例]  Our liability is limited. ! ^( ?+ B8 f$ E
[同义词]  responsibility, duty

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