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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析九十八

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
liabilities (n. pl) debts of a business负债 9 v/ _9 W; P% P* ~* ~; C! k/ q
[例]  The company cannot afford such large liabilities. / e$ h& `/ D2 V" B! M6 h# W
0 h" c- I5 N( |6 x1 E% H. [3 olicence [ 5laisEns ] (n.) [US license] official document which gives permission执照
! Z/ _+ D% _5 d[例]  You need an import licence. 5 A/ s( a  [* g1 F" I( J' r
[同义词]  certificate, warrant, permit : {& p0 i( q; x7 W# ]" x
  D) v6 L% ]0 @2 ?license [5laIsEns] (v.) [US licence] give permission许可
: ?0 a+ _; Z( H  * N5 y& H. {3 X% z
licensee [laIsEn5si:] (n.) person who is given permission获许可的人   
0 p! u/ k% z( g- g8 J  u  
/ h6 f0 l1 Y# j6 ]. W. U- Wlicensor (n.) person who gives permission许可人 ; Z# B' v/ I, }  ?" B
1 h5 c/ k* h, R5 y  d+ X5 p, W, K9 `life cycle (n.) concept of showing the different stages in a product’s life产品生命周期 " q1 f7 M+ w8 q* X6 O' ?8 b' L+ \
[例]  Usually, the mature stage is the most important in the life cycle of a product. 1 |* ~" y! L/ U* Y, Q" R
& s) G/ B. u/ x: Z' eline [ lain ] (n.) 1. merchandise or services of a similar or related nature系列产品
, v& k, v) A3 v: u$ i7 k[例]  a complete line of small tools  1 J* w5 ?, w; B6 G7 O5 @+ X: `* L
[同义词]  series, sequence
8 G& U3 D+ R. \2.An ordered system of operations that allows a sequential manufacture or assembly of goods at all or various stages of production.流水生产线  
; ]) {( O: f) N# S$ ?[例]  production line

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