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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析九十九

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
line process (n.) assembly-line process, production process where the work passes from one worker to the next, usually along a moving belt, until it is finished流水线加工 8 P4 ^9 K0 w( L+ G
[例]  You should at times mention the workers to see to the line process.
2 c$ E  }+ J! `; ~+ F1 _  5 U2 i- g4 U) j! c0 v% b
line worker (n.) worker on an assembly-line流水线工人 1 h- w- [, Y( h- v/ w% ]
[例]  How many line workers do you have altogether? : [0 n/ m* d/ g, `$ [, z: J
  ) I1 R" R& [7 f9 s
liquid [ 5likwid ] (adj.) easy to realize易兑现的
2 |2 g/ s) D9 L! ]* y[例]  Liquid assets
( q) Y2 r: R" D  
1 q3 C& Y7 u+ U4 K  E" Gliquidity [ li5kwiditi ] (n.) having assets which can be converted into cash资产折现力 % Y( E8 C; H$ N; q6 R  `
[例]  Liquidity is an index to measure the extent one kind of asset moves into new investment opportunities.
9 l$ @( N, J0 o% {4 e: a! Q  
$ X( T+ O8 X) oliquidate [ 5likwideit ] (v.) close a company and sell its assets清算 + ~, w, u3 m5 [5 k
  f* R  Y5 p3 c  j: Hliquidation [ 7likwi5deiFEn ] (n.) process of closing a company清算 - m8 s: K3 G" A8 a# J! q3 F
[例]  The business went into liquidation. ! T' O" g3 H% s( W9 _2 C
  ' y5 N% s3 n% l% o. Y
liquidator [ 5likwideitE ] (n.) person who supervises the liquidation of a company清算人 ) |% G* E4 C* l4 b) `: x+ Z
  / ]- E# E8 T, R4 b. [' }, ?1 [; m$ F
listed [`lIstId] (adj.) registered列出的,上市的 # Q3 V( j/ |7 l( N9 p5 e
[例]  Shares can be bought in listed companies.

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