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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析一百

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
listed company (n) a company whose shares are recorded on the main market of a stock exchange 上市公司
# F9 U5 H8 _& K- e8 L[例] That firm is among the listed companies.
4 L. B6 d9 H9 b4 E& }- U6 s& F* u  
- K) U( I! v. b1 ?6 n+ Mlisting [ 5listiN ] (n.) official list of companies whose shares can be bought or sold on the Stock Exchange列表 6 |, G1 @  j9 |' c5 `
  " J! a) a: r7 c% K
literature [ 5litEritFE ] (n.) written information(广告)印刷品 " ?& F- q3 F# Z9 l
[例]  Please find enclosed literature about the product. 8 P( @: Z! B% o
7 i& F& c4 z- Ilitigate [ 5liti^eit ] (v.) to bring an action in a court of law against someone提出公诉 % e) i+ z1 h5 _; e
[例]  If you don’t obey the contract, we have to litigate in court.
# _* i1 O$ ^6 d0 A8 ]0 S  ) F9 o/ b: E2 x; C$ a
litigation [ 7liti5^eiFEn ] (n.) the process of bringing an action in a court of law against someone起诉
' B. r( n% p, @; d[例]  In fact I am not familiar with the litigation process. ' S. I5 V) F" C0 G1 g" P
[同义词]  lawsuit  5 O1 G. |4 |) z" E- n
6 h. c2 `0 a0 j+ v. H9 a( zloan [ lEun ]1. (n.) money which has been lent贷款
) M, \* Z" y9 A3 ][例]  Loan capital must be repaid at a later date.
; O1 F2 }, m9 G. T8 W[同义词]  advance, credit, usury : _6 a- D" X1 S) J
2. (v.) lend借款 4 p: ^+ G3 F0 w" [
[同义词]  advance
: o7 x  e- i5 M+ \  
5 ~! Y  j1 R8 `local time 当地时间
( F( f7 B* V; B; ^  1 |5 \' j6 K% |( @' B( f) w
logistic (n.) The management of business operations, such as the acquisition, storage, transportation and delivery of goods along the supply chain. 物流  
* |& U, ]: [/ Z. E( `' l, @[例]  He is manager of Dept.of Logistics

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