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[综合辅导] 2012国际商务师考试辅导:商务书信二十

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A request to use a customer as a reference  3 D- ^1 _9 D) V3 ?+ @0 X- m; Q
Dear Mr Legrand,  
/ A& x0 |' Y  S  |. }2 B4 x9 ]/ PThank you for your letter of 2 November. We are delighted to hear that you are so pleased with the refurbishment of your hotel.  7 w) \4 Q: q' ~: D. m( B. I
As you know, in our line of work, we depend on good reports about our projects to win further business. Our clients always shop around and look for references before committing themselves.  6 c- @! N$ L" ~  n8 q/ n0 o
With our permission, we would like to use hotel as a reference when we discuss similar refurbishments in the hotel industry. Would you agree to our suggesting that future clients should call you?  + P4 ~4 y( H) _9 a1 J) t! e
It would also be most helpful if we could occasionally bring a client to look at your hotel. We would, of course, stay overnight at least.  4 h% x% T! H' }3 U
I will call you next week to hear your reaction. Thanks again for you kind words.  9 a; @* i' o5 L; O1 D2 Y$ Q
Yours sincerely,  
7 {& Z+ U5 N$ D  P/ _% E$ Z1 oRobert Gould  / l! ]& H' B1 @+ r; X
$ X  y( H) {. e# u& W5 d# w=============================  0 N5 j( T* Y$ C) ^( c; a) G7 C
A request to use a customer as a reference  ! {- r- L7 }3 P/ }# f
請求客戶作推薦人  ( b3 B, R* k& r9 Z/ c+ C! e" W
Dear Mr Legrand,  
& j) H! ]/ \+ L  i5 I! F% {勒格朗先生,  $ T6 H& _" v2 h1 `1 `8 i) \
Thank you for your letter of 2 November. We are delighted to hear that you are so pleased with the refurbishment of your hotel.  
8 ?: z( r2 k' Z  f" d$ U, [從11月2日的來函得悉閣下對貴飯店的整修感到滿意,此消息對本公司實是一大鼓.  
7 \9 T" M9 S2 B" |As you know, in our line of work, we depend on good reports about our projects to win further business. Our clients always shop around and look for references before committing themselves.  
6 A: E) F" d- @/ h& {設計行業重視聲譽,客人在選擇設計公司時必然會有所比較.  6 T+ V( ^" `9 ?1 q# l& k4 j
With our permission, we would like to use hotel as a reference when we discuss similar refurbishments in the hotel industry. Would you agree to our suggesting that future clients should call you?  3 J; k9 v# L8 r) w9 y: s
/ h6 ^% }, ]  j% YIt would also be most helpful if we could occasionally bring a client to look at your hotel. We would, of course, stay overnight at least.  
8 E& N% @2 _# x- z. B3 H: f此外,如獲允準間或聯同客戶前來參觀貴飯店整修,定必有莫大幫助.當然,本公司會預訂房間,至少留宿一晚.    p5 V3 n5 B3 X! a7 T
I will call you next week to hear your reaction. Thanks again for you kind words.  
  ^7 W% P+ t# G/ o  p3 |. ~上述事宜,還請亮察.本公司於下周致電,聽候佳音.再次衷心多謝貴飯店的誇獎.  , {: a2 A9 d& ~) G
Yours sincerely,  5 W& K! R4 P3 D4 v- N
Robert Gould  
, [; |9 C8 o) w% b" J. O2 B0 q; \1 KManager  
1 f: ^# h+ \9 s' [: I& z3 f經理

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:40 | 显示全部楼层


5 O$ P, P/ h& ]! ZUseful phrases 實用短語  , Z0 O1 `6 L- F5 T6 [
1.We are delighted to hear that…  
# s) G2 t" H1 x  p1 z+ g…此消息對本公司實是一大鼓勵  9 O# s. N% E/ c5 Y0 q7 V: k
2.We depend on good reports about our projects to win further business.  
4 f# m* G' O; E" ^. J- H…重視聲譽…  
8 d* v+ ?8 A$ ^% I% B1 I3.With your permission ,we would like to use…a reference  
7 h* ?0 c; E6 ?: _7 d" Y' s4 d1 x如蒙允許,本公司欲請貴飯店作推薦人…  % u7 j! R5 `2 ]7 V3 _
4.It would be most helpful if…  ; _( g7 e' X! W2 E4 E7 V
& B/ t. R+ P7 v================================  
- M: J, r) h2 b, INotes段意解說  " M; K& u( v% J
1.Acknowledge the letter. Thank the client for his praise.  
( _. z; {' s3 x, t8 x# r. d告知客戶收到來信,感謝稱贊.  + j1 f# w0 I# \0 V( h2 F
2.Mention the need for references in your business.  - i: D" Q  n1 J2 J
+ M4 q6 T, K5 [% Q3.Ask the client if he is willing to act as a referee.  
% D5 y% L, D* h& b請求客戶作推薦人.  
% g9 Q) M) f+ N( a  V0 T+ u4.Hold out the promise of business for the client if he cooperates.  , f6 d, |2 ~/ d8 H$ W: _
- t: U# N% j% F1 h/ o$ Y8 }5.Urge a reply and express again your gratitude.  
. k8 l" g. M' Q0 x給予充中時間考虙,並再次感謝贊賞.  ' T/ h  P7 ~+ \1 l) f& e2 s
==================================  " V* [% P+ ?; I0 G; p. \
Alternative phrases 替代用語  
; J8 ]( a3 t, \8 xThank you for your letter of 2 November. We are delighted to hear that you are so pleased with the refurbishment of your hotel.  
6 O3 b" }: n  L8 V4 v* o" s(We are pleased …)  " y! S9 U% j/ k& k# |
As you know, in our line of work, we depend on good reports about our projects to win further business. Our clients always shop around and look for references before committing themselves.  / U8 x# }8 i2 s5 g
(…,in our profession,…)  $ D# B0 V4 |% o+ a
(Our clients always consider their options…)  ( c0 j6 [2 T# `% @1 _- m
With our permission, we would like to use hotel as a reference when we discuss similar refurbishments in the hotel industry. Would you agree to our suggesting that future clients should call you?  0 m; L  f% X* |6 J7 ?
(…similar projects…)  
* f) ^/ V' u! s8 Y  C5 J1 W(Could we suggest that prospective clients call you?)  2 Z  x/ v9 _( b: N& @
It would also be most helpful if we could occasionally bring a client to look at your hotel. We would, of course, stay overnight at least.  * }" k' H" z* }  m7 Y0 O& n( v2 `
I will call you next week to hear your reaction. Thanks again for you kind words.  
6 G9 u: t. T3 W$ W5 m=======================================  3 c  c/ g6 L) |" ^9 i" x7 ?
Comments 評注  ( K; B/ h8 g& x* F: l# g" O! J
The letter takes advantage of a satisfied reaction from a client to attempt to recruit a referee. The writer is astute in that he indicates that the referee will be rewarded with extra business. It is important to offer some kind of incentive when asking for a favour of this kind.  
( d4 |& `) R' B" n發信人借著答復客戶的贊賞,請求客戶作推薦人,並充諾以業務合作為回報.在類似的請求信中,給予回報是必需的.
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