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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析一百零七

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
MBO(=management by objectives) (n.) system of management based on planning work to be carried out and then checking to see that the work has been completed correctly and on time目标管理系统
! D, V' [; F( ~. I+ ?  $ r7 r: c6 G$ E9 j0 m& P
measure [ 5meVE ] (n.) action, step措施
' W. X, K1 D' [, L# ?8 A. l[例]  We are going to take measures to reduce costs.
. P2 k4 }9 V  ]& I1 \; d  
% \, c. Q; z! e# T$ r' B& j+ s3 ^media [ 5mi:djE ] (n.) means of communicating a message媒体 9 Y* \5 A5 w8 `4 _
[例]  A successful advertiser can choose the most suitable way and make full use of the media. 6 V5 s3 r) j- h2 z4 A8 S( [
3 l6 E3 T; D5 l) c: |* nmemo=memorandum [ 5memEu] (n.) a written record or communication, as in a business office 备忘录 6 X7 D. q7 `% V/ T! _
[例]  a memorandum about the meeting
5 M# L6 {+ Z. }* s+ K+ [  + d: J, Y! b% Q* ~! `& X
merchandise [ 5mE:tFEndaiz ] (n.) products货物 9 q7 k6 H1 b# C+ u/ v( \
[例]  We cannot offer you this merchandise right now but expect to be able to do so next week. * G6 Q; D5 `- _$ x, X, p
[同义词]  goods, commodities
/ }  m* ?, Z3 J; I* p+ }  
+ Q  h; Y- H2 x: Z7 |. @merchandising [ 5mE:tFEndaiziN ] (n.) managing the display and promotion of goods in shops销售管理
+ D: z/ u' d+ w7 q' W  & ^' a5 O0 I+ `; S# J9 {
merge [ mE:dV ] (v.) join together兼并
# \+ k2 l5 G: s1 u* t* F[例]  The company merged with another European company. ; q# {% \( f1 [0 J
[同义词]  join, unite, converge, combine 8 X' \: d. A- h9 G3 r! ^. V
# j" O# t, _0 i" Z& ]merger [ 5mE:dVE ] (n.) act/result of joining companies together兼并    @" v0 }7 C2 l
[同义词]  amalgamation, combination, incorporation

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